XXXVI (Edited)

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I would like to thank @eroticmeir  @daisy23455 @roslyndarum @anjaliJha526

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and a big thank you to my lovely readers who added my book to their reading list.

Enjoy Reading the Chapter.



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We got ready and had our breakfast at a local restaurant. Now we are on our way to explore this beautiful place. First, I will surprise her by taking her to the Acropolis of Athens and the Parthenon. After a few minutes, we reached our destination. We stepped out of the car and entwined our hands together and started walking towards the Acropolis of Athens.

 We stepped out of the car and entwined our hands together and started walking towards the Acropolis of Athens

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"Ahem!" I cleared my throat and asked, "babe, do you wanna know the history of Acropolis?"

"Yeah," she replied with a big sparkling smile that showed in her eyes.

"Umm, The term "acropolis" means "high city" in Greek and can refer to one of many natural strongholds constructed on rocky, elevated ground in Greece, but the Acropolis of Athens is the best known.

Made of limestone rock that dates to the Late Cretaceous period when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, the Acropolis is located on the Attica plateau of Greece and includes four hills:

Likavitos Hill

Hill of the Nymphs

The Pynx Hill

Philapappos Hill

During the Greek Dark Ages (800 B.C. to 480. B.C.), the Acropolis remained largely intact. Many religious festivals were held there, and the artifacts of the time reflected the grandeur of ancient Athens.

Around 490 B.C., the Athenians started building a majestic marble temple known as the Old Parthenon. By that time, the Bluebeard Temple had been demolished by the Persians.

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