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On a random day, we were bored in a workgroup of Neuropsychology. We were doing nothing interesting in the workgroup, so we thought about what else we could do, thinking about high school. And what is more fun than writing sentence-by-sentence stories?

It all began as an innocent story that continued on to be a whole book. When we started writing the second chapter, we knew that we wanted to go on writing this story. We kept getting more enthusiastic and we thought of more and more ideas. The dedication to finish the story became greater when we got more enthusiastic.

During writing, we discovered that we began thinking in line. We thought of the same ideas for new sentences and we had the same idea about how the story should continue. Whether this telepathie was there before or developed during the writing should be investigated further. Maybe there is an interaction, but it could be just a correlation.

When we arrived at the end and let our friends, our inspiration for all characters of the story, read it, Deyan thought of the idea to print it as a real book. The sentence-by-sentence story became written like an ongoing story so it could be printed.

Renée, completely enthusiastic, drew beautiful pictures to capture an image of our weird fantasy.

We want to thank our friends for being good inspirations. Disclaimer: some characters are made to be more extreme than they are in reality. Everything for comedy, not to be mean. We love you all very much!

We want to thank Miles, our main character, who gave us the courage to print this book with confidence by giving us compliments.

~ Deyan and Renée

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