Muzzy Miles, a not standard boy, lived in the Land of Winchats. In this magical land live all kinds of creatures, like smurfs, changelings and witches.
On a completely normal day Miles received a letter from the king. It was an invitation for a big...
The corridor a little bit further into the cave that Rey and Miles walked through was split up in three. Next to each corridor stood a sign. Miles could not see what was on them because of the dark. He held his torch closer to the left sign and passed by the others.
''Okay, the first sign says 'not scary','' Miles read aloud. ''The second says 'scary' and the third 'very scary'.''
''Seems clear to me,'' Rey said and she immediately walked cheerfully to the corridor with the sign 'very scary' next to it. Miles grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.
''Are you crazy?! I think that we should take the 'not scary' route,'' Miles said panicked and he took of his cap to run a hand through his hair.
''But what if it's the other way around? It would be a little bit easy if it wasn't. Maybe they are trying to confuse us,'' Rey said.
''Let's think about it for a minute-'' Miles was interrupted by the sound of running sand. The moderately steep corridor where Rey and Miles came from was slowly buried by sand that came closer.
''It looks like we have to make a choice quickly. So what will it be, cowboy?'' Rey said expectantly. Miles thought hard. The sand was coming closer and Rey's patience was running out.
''I literally don't have time for this,'' Rey said irritably and she pulled Miles with her to the 'very scary' corridor. There they arrived at a big empty space. The ceiling rose in a cone shape and there was a hole in the middle. There were no other exits.
''And now?'' Miles asked, scared. ''I think we could better have chosen the 'scary' hallway.''
''Well, it's too late now,'' Rey said. She noticed that more and more sand buried her feet. She looked at the steep corridor where they came from and saw that the sand ran down to them, filling the space.
''How are we getting out of this?'' Miles asked in panic.
''I have a plan,'' Rey responded. ''Do you see the hole above us? If we wait until the sand is high enough, we can reach it.''
''But what if it's a dead end?''
''Then it was nice knowing you.''
Her comment made Miles swallow. Rey walked towards the corridor where the sand came from and started to build a little pile of sand with her hands.
''Do you hear squeaking?'' Miles asked while staring at Rey, who did all of the work. Rey looked at him indignantly and said: ''No. And are you going to help or stand there like a bag of sand?''
Miles startled and started helping. The pile became bigger and bigger while the room filled itself with more sand. At a certain point, they reached the hole and climbed through it. They arrived at the same kind of space as below, but turned upside down.
''I think the sand stopped running,'' Rey commented.
''And now?'' Miles asked.
''No idea, but I think I found an artifact,'' Rey said, while picking up a little hourglass from the cave wall. She shook a little bit too enthusiastically with the hourglass and sand fell on top of them.
''Rey, look up. There is a door upside down,'' Miles said and he pointed at the ceiling. Rey spit out some sand and looked at Miles, who tried to climb up the wall of the cave.
''Miles, are you trying to be a spider or something?'' Rey asked while giggling.
''If I only were a spider,'' Miles responded. ''Climbing to the door would be much easier.''
''Let me help you...'' Rey said and she put the hourglass away, which made the room vibrate. Miles fell down and the sand moved.
''Oh no, the hourglass! Quickly, grab it!'' Miles shouted.
''I don't see it anymore!'' Rey answered. Miles and Rey started to dig, which made more sand move. Miles and Rey only stook out of the sand with their heads.
''I feel something! I feel something!'' Miles exclaimed happily.
''Me too!'' Rey shouted back, but what she had grabbed wasn't an hourglass, but a mechanical rat. From all sides came mechanical rats, filling the room.
''Yeet!'' Rey threw the rat against the wall of the cave, destroying it. Miles tried to get up, but was buried by rats. He found the hourglass and started shaking it. The room started vibrating and the rats pulled back.
''Turn the hourglass around!'' Rey said. Miles did as asked and the room started turning. Miles and Rey fell down out of the pile of sand and the sand ran down. Rey and Miles stood on top of the door, really a latch, Miles had seen on the ceiling. With full confidence Miles opened the latch.
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