Chapter 18

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Miles en Rey got loose from the licorice laces and stood ready with their weapons to defeat the bad witch, the gingerbread man and the snake. Yannick hit his fists on the ground and broke the floor underneath Miles and Rey. An enormous crack opened and drifted the two apart. Miles and Rey looked frightened and tried their best to not fall into the gap. Miles shot an arrow in Yannick's arm and Rey wounded Amy, while Rachel made it rain in the cave by using a spell.

''You are truly useless...'' Rachel said, looking at her allies who couldn't wound her enemies. The witch created a bigger storm of sour candy and m&m's.

''Yummie, I could eat something,'' Rey said, while she tried to eat the m&m's.

''Ughhh!'' Rachel moaned out of frustration and the storm became heavier. There now was a layer of water in the cave and it flowed towards the gap. Miles and Rey, but also Amy and Yannick, tried their best to stand still. The current was strong, but everyone succeeded in not getting carried along.

Yannick had hit Miles a few times with his big fists, but Miles hit back. Miles had two arrows left and he wanted to save them for later, so he used an arrow to stab Yannick instead of shooting.

Rey was knocked over by the big snake and held on to her sword to not drown in the current that became stronger and stronger.

The water had now risen to the height of Yannick's knees and that made his gingerbread legs weaker. Miles grabbed the radish from his pocket, took a bite out of it and threw it in Rachel's face.

''NO! NO VEGETABLES!'' Rachel said, while half of her face melted slowly. The radish fell into the water.

''Wow, did you know that would work?'' Rey asked.

''Holy flip, no. I got that radish from a forest troll or something,'' Miles said.

Amy saw how Rachel's face became mutilated and how Yannick's legs almost gave up. She transformed back into a little girl and said: ''We have to go, now. Yannick! Come with me!''

Amy dragged Yannick to the exit of the cave to save him. Rachel was left by herself.

''I knew that I couldn't trust them!'' Rachel exclaimed, before she made a lightning strike. Luckily, the lightning was made out of gummy bears, otherwise Miles and Rey would both be electrocuted.

Miles searched for the radish in the water. When he got it, he threw it at Rachel again.

''AAAAAH! YOU WILL BE SORRY IF I GET YOU!'' Rachel screamed with a voice that was pitched way too high. Her face melted more by the radish.

Miles zocht door het water naar het radijsje. Toen hij het radijsje te pakken had gooide hij het opnieuw naar Rachel.

Miles rubbed his ears, that sound hurt. During Rachel's scream Rey waded to her. Rachel was paying too much attention to Miles, who threatened her with his bow and arrow, and couldn't see much anymore because of her melting face. Once Rey reached her, she pushed her into the water. Rachel tried to hold on to something, but was dragged away by the current to the bats. The bats started to eat her. Her sweet flesh tasted good for the bats. Rey and Miles watched for a moment, but turned their backs on Rachel and went back in the cave.

Miles licked his hand, that got wet, and said: ''This isn't water, but lemonade or something.''

Rey sucked on her wet hair and said: ''Fine, now everything is sticky.'' Rey handed the tiara to Miles, who put it on underneath his cap.

''Four down, one to go,'' Miles said.

They walked through the corridors of the cave and found airpods on the ground. Next to the airpods lay a torch that was almost extinguished.

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