Muzzy Miles, a not standard boy, lived in the Land of Winchats. In this magical land live all kinds of creatures, like smurfs, changelings and witches.
On a completely normal day Miles received a letter from the king. It was an invitation for a big...
Wade was pacing desperately through the ballroom. Yolanda tried to comfort him, but Wade kept walking. With a panicked voice he said: ''How is Robert going to find his princess if he isn't present as his Ball of Balls?''
''It will be alright, darling. He will probably be back soon,'' Yolanda reassured him.
''You don't understand. If he isn't here-'' someone knocked hard on the front door. Wade gave a signal to Stuart to open the door. Stuart opened it and in front of him stood a giant gingerbread man. A large green snake emerged from behind the gingerbread man.
''Who are you?'' Stuart asked doubtfully.
''Meeska mooska Mickey Mouse!'' Amy said with a Mickey Mouse voice after licking her lips.
''Mickey? Are you-'' Stuart's arm was bitten off by Amy. Yannick watched how Stuart passed out and stepped over his unconscious body towards the dining hall. All guests had started eating their dessert.
''GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE SEE THAT WE ARRIVED JUST IN TIME FOR DESSERTS! BON APPETIT!'' Yannick shouted. He reached for the nearest table and threw it across the room. Samantha stood up quickly.
''Not on my watch...'' Samantha said and she grabbed lipstick from her bra. When she turned it open, a little knife emerged. Samantha ran at Yannick, cut off one of his gingerbread fingers and ate it. On that moment Amy jumped on top of Samantha and tried to strangle her.
''No! Samantha!'' Charlotte exclaimed. She ran to Rebecca and said: ''Do something!''
Yannick looked around and his eyes fell on the royal couple. Wade stood in front of Yolanda with a sword in his hand.
''Yolanda, darling, are you okay?'' Wade shouted.
''If that isn't our lovely king and queen... LONG LIVE THE KING!'' Yannick said and he stomped towards the royal couple.
Rebecca succeeded meanwhile to distract Amy, so Amy was now gnawing at Rebecca's legs instead of Samantha's. Stuart awoke. He saw that Rebecca was endangered by a snake. This made him think of a hentai scene and that made it a little warm in his underpants.
Amy had now devoured Rebecca's complete body. She now turned to Stuart, but said: ''Ew, that's disgusting.''
Fleur came out of the kitchen and saw the chaos that had arisen in the few minutes she was gone and said: ''Oui, oui. Just like home.''
Fleur grabbed a sharp cleaver from the kitchen and stormed at Amy. Amy snapped at Fleur, but Fleur was fast as lightning and chopped off Amy's head.
Samantha had run to Charlotte and said: ''It's a shame that the prince isn't here to protect us.'' Samantha's hair was completely messy because of the snake's attack and she tried her best to tidy her hair up.
''Fuck that prince, I am getting out of here!'' Charlotte said, but when she tried to walk away she was caught by Yannick.
''Dear mister king,'' Yannick started, while dangling Charlotte from one leg, ''I came with the intention to help my hungry friend, but now I am free from her and I can now do what I want. The kingdom has never done something for... CREATURES like me! Make me king or I'll take the life of this stupid blonde.''
Wade responded calmly: ''I don't negotiate with terrorists.''
''My son didn't show a lot of interest in you,'' Wade said, but Yolanda interrupted him: ''You can't just let her die!''
''Everything is possible,'' Wade said, so heartless that even Yannick was surprised. Because Yannick was distracted by this, Samantha could stab him in his foot. Yannick screamed and dropped Charlotte on the ground, head first. Suddenly Fleur stood in front of him with the bloody cleaver. She pointed with the cleaver at Yannick and said: ''Time for dessert deux.''
And like that, the guests of the ball fought against the gingerbread monster, who came to disrupt their Ball of Balls.
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