Muzzy Miles, a not standard boy, lived in the Land of Winchats. In this magical land live all kinds of creatures, like smurfs, changelings and witches.
On a completely normal day Miles received a letter from the king. It was an invitation for a big...
Rey looked at the group that entered the basement. Behind prince Robert Miles and Taytay watched, indignant, but curious. Rey stood threateningly with her hand above the fire, but the ring ruined it again.
''Don't worry, Robert, she can't do anything to me. She's missing one ingredient,'' the ring said.
''The magical fire isn't complete yet?'' Robert asked, relieved.
''What's going on here?'' Dean said, who came into the basement and emerged from behind Robert, Miles and Taytay.
''Rey wants to destroy the ring, but I don't know why Robert wants the ring that badly,'' Miles silently whispered to Dean. Yannick and Barbara had followed Dean and now stood next to him.
''Watch out for your love, he is evil, sort of!'' Barbara exclaimed.
''Robert, why do you want that ring? I could marry you right now! We don't need that ring!'' Miles said desperately.
''Exposed!'' Yannick shouted. Yannick's attention fell on the basement wall, where he read the text 'a broken soul'.
''Huh, is that about-'' Yannick started, but he was interrupted by Stuart, awakening: ''M-my greatness? What's h-h-happening?''
''Shut up, slave,'' Robert pushed Stuart back, making Miles fall as well. Miles pushed the one armed guard servant off his lap.
''Yes, indeed,'' Yannick said. "I wanted to say something. The text on the bottom is about the oracle.''
''You heard about the oracle too?'' Rey asked Yannick.
''Which oracle? What are you talking about?'' Miles said, while standing up.
''Okay, I'm done!'' Robert ran angrily towards Rey. Rey braced herself for impact, but Dean threw Robert aside with magic.
''Rey! Sacrifice me!'' Yannick said. ''I know you need a broken soul! I can't be saved anyway.''
''No, don't do it!'' Dean shouted.
''Ladies and gentlemen, it's twelve o'clock, are you ready for a shock?'' Barbara Bushtroll shouted and her eyes started glowing. ''It's now the demon's turn, just a second and you will all learn!''
''Holy flip!'' Miles exclaimed. Barbara Bushtroll turned into a big demon with bat wings.
Rey looked at the jars on the ground and said to herself: ''In one of these jars is salt...''
Dean flew to Yannick and said: ''Come here, you. You are not going to sacrifice yourself. Are you crazy? You are coming with me right now!'' Dean grabbed Yannick and, before Yannick could protest, teleported them both away.
Rey found the salt. She threw it around in a circle and said: ''Everyone, in the circle!''
Rey hadn't noticed that Robert had come closer while she made the circle. Robert grabbed the hand Rey was holding the ring in and tried to pry it out of her hand.
''Give it to me!'' Robert shouted angrily. Miles started to find Robert less and less charming.
''Keep your hands off of that stupid ring and focus on that demon over there for a moment,'' Rey said to Robert, while nodding at Barbara Beast.
Miles watched how the demon tried to attack Rey and Robert, but it couldn't get past the salt circle. Miles stepped inside the circle and grabbed the ring from both their hands. He exclaimed: ''YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW!''
''Robert wants to use the ring to take over the country!'' Rey shouted. ''He wants it for its evil magic! That's why the ring has to be destroyed! There has been a legend for years in the Forest of Trees about the chosen one with the short spicy haircut who would bring the golden ring to the Krenn Castle. I have been looking for that stupid ring to stop te legend. I knew it would fall into the wrong hands if I didn't go with you to search for the ring.''
''That's not what the oracle says!'' Robert exclaimed. ''The oracle told me that my true love would have a short spicy haircut and would bring a wedding ring with them!''
''But why would the ring still matter if you know that I'm your true love?!'' Miles asked, frustrated. ''Maybe your not my true love!''
Suddenly Stuart caught the ring in his butterfly net.
''No! Give that back, you pig!'' Rey said.
Stuart wasn't standing safely inside the circle, but realized that too late. Barbara Beast picked up Stuart and broke his leg. Stuart cried and dropped his butterfly net.
Taytay picked up the ring and said doubtfully: ''I don't know who to give this to anymore.''
''ME!'' shouted Miles, Rey and Robert simultaneously.
Miles looked at Robert and at that moment he knew: Robert had used him. The flame of the magical fire turned a deep red.
''I see you have chosen a side...'' Robert said. ''You have no use for me anymore, then!'' he kicked Miles out of the circle.
Barbara Beast came towards Miles, but startled when Rey said: "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas..."
This clearly made Barbara Beast weaken and she winced.
"Omnis incursio et infernalis adversarii..."
Rey wanted to finish her spell, but Robert had already reached Taytay to take the ring from him.
''Omnis legio- No!'' Rey tackled Robert.
Miles had just stood up and stepped into the circle quickly. Barbara Beast turned to Stuart again, who tried to defend himself with his butterfly net. Taytay teleported next to Miles out of panic. Miles snatched the ring from Taytay's fingers. He doubted for a moment, with his hand above the fire and a broken heart.
Meanwhile, Rey defended herself with a bone against Barbara Beast, who had minced Stuart.
''Miles, wait,'' Robert said with slight despair in his voice. ''Join me and we will conquer the lands together. You by my side. My... prince,'' and the fire became a lighter shade of red.
''I don't care that much about tiaras or crowns,'' Miles said. The fire became a bright red again. ''Just give me a cap...'' and Miles dropped the ring in the fire with full confidence.
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