Robbery | Dwalin

208 22 4

Warnings: Slight mature content.

It was a very hot summer day, the kind in which the heat, the dry wind and the exhausting rays of sunlight threaten you to make your legs fail if you go outside even for a walk. At least this happens for ordinary people, but there are others who don't. There was one who apparently could do everything even with this weather, and he was driving with his Harley Davidson, his sunglasses and his black and tight biker clothes through the center of a great highway, drawing everyone's attention along with his two companions, who were behind him. The three were serious in their faces and headed to an uncertain destination. They only had one thing in mind: gain money, and they didn't care if they did it amicably or by force. The latter was more common.

They arrived at a gas station and got off their motorcycles stomping in their sturdy black boots. Three who were preparing to make their purpose. They entered unceremoniously, opening the door without fear of being seen and, without weapons that were needed, just appearance was enough. They approached the stall where the vendor was standing, Dwalin clenching his knuckles.

-Hey, you, get the money out -he said with his hand and the seriousness on his face, a threatening seriousness. Thorin and Bofur behind him on either side with their arms crossed, staring at the vendor intently without removing their sunglasses. The vendor was stunned, and fear began to take possession of his body and mind.

-Yes, yes, right now... -the vendor said, opening the register as he trembled and handing them several bags full of money-. Here, take it all, don't do anything to me...

Dwalin, Thorin and Bofur took all the bags and began to leave without any remorse.

-You better not tell the police because I'll be back to make you regret it -Dwalin said.

Once they left the store and the gas station, Bofur started laughing.

-Damn it, you were right in the end, how did you know it was going to work? -Thorin asked.

-I just knew it, I know that man and he's very easy to intimidate -Bofur replied, high-fiving Dwalin.

-Good job, Bofur, next stop in the city, and you two already know what you have to do -Dwalin said.

They got back on their motorcycles, now more loaded than before with all the money they had gained. They started with that deep and powerful sound typical of their Harleys, and they moved away from that place where they had committed the first robbery of the day. There were only five more places to visit.

They reached the promised city, the city where they would carry out their second robbery; Fili, Kili and Nori were waiting for them in a flat right there, but they were waiting them with the money on their shoulders.


It was very hot, and several ceiling fans were spinning their blades to cool the shop. Evengelis, along with her friend, were putting things in order on the shelves, as people often handle the products frequently and then they don't put them correctly in their place. Evengelis then went to the counter to clean it up, as dirt was beginning to accumulate. She turned on the music when the door was suddenly crashing open. Three men dressed all in black, looking like bad boys, were approaching the counter, adjusting their gloves, their leather jackets, putting on their sunglasses. Both Evengelis and her friend analyzed them with their eyes, up and down, as if they were walking in slow motion.

-You, woman, get out the money -Dwalin said, his face still serious, but this time he received a different answer from Evengelis.

-I don't have to obey you. Get out of here! -she said. Then Dwalin, with a movement of his head, commanded Bofur to act, and Thorin went after the woman that was on the shelves, but not because Dwalin commanded him, he did it on his own initiative.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now