Chapter 1

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No One's POV

       It was a Tuesday morning. Sapnap had just gotten on the bus just to experience another horrible day. Sapnap had always been bullied by the same two people - Tommy and Wilbur. Sapnap was a short, smart guy in is junior year of highschool. He had just sat in an empty seat near the back of the bus. He began to stare out the window and count all the trees the bus past. Sapnap was very tired that morning, as he had just woken up and grabbed a piece of bread and ran for the bus. He felt very lucky Tommy and Wilbur didn't ride his bus, Or he'd already have passed out by now. 

     As Sapnap stared out the window, the bus stopped and a short, brown haired male stepped onto the bus. Sapnap didn't look away from the window until he felt something shift next to him. The short boy that had just gotten onto the bus just sat in his seat. Sapnap didn't want to talk to him, until the short male started talking. "Hey, uhm... my name is George. What's your name?" Sapnap immediately liked his accent and wanted to pick up a conversation. Sapnap had always liked the British accent. Sapnap then replied, "Oh, uhm.. My name is Sapnap.. Nice to meet you." George had a had a bright smile on his face a said, "Well nice to meet you too!" Sapnap giggled and said, "Well, not to be rude, why did you sit with me, I'm nothing but a ugly nerd.." "You're not an ugly nerd! Also, I sat with you because there were not seats left to sit in, so I kinda had no choice." Sapnap liked George's honesty. 

     As the bus began to pull up to the school, George asked Sapnap if they could be friends. George then proceeded to ask Sapnap for his number so they could hangout the following weekend. "Hey George, what day should we hang out?" Sapnap asked. "How about on Saturday?" "That works for me." they then said there goodbyes and walked towards the school. "Oh wait, just so you know on Saturday, my friend Dream will also be there!" "Okay, cya later!" The two then parted and entered the school. Sapnap then walked to his locker, which was pretty close to the main doors of the school. As Sapnap finished putting his things in his locker, and grabbing his textbooks for his first class, two tall figures approached him. He immediately knew who they were and knew running wouldn't help, as they would just follow him. "Well look who we have here!" Tommy said in an intimidating voice. Sapnap stepped back a few steps. "Where are you going?" Wilber said in an angry tone. "T-To class" Sapnap stuttered out. The two tall males took a step closer. "Man Tommy, he's such a nerd. Trying to get to class early." Wilber said to Tommy, but obviously trying to make the black haired male uncomfortable. "Please just leave me alone!" Sapnap exclaimed. "Man Will, no wonder why he has no friends, he's begging for mercy, when we haven't even put our hands on him!" Sapnap's eyes widened, as they had been tormenting him for a while now, but they have never laid there hands on him.  Within the blink of an eye, he was shoved into his own locker, and was then stuck. He could hear laughing from the other side of the metal door. The two ride men than walked away, whilst laughing harder than they ever had.

     Time was slow inside the locker. It had felt like he had been inside for hours, but it had only been minutes. The then heard the bell ring. He was late for class. He called for help, but nobody could hear him. Nobody was aware of his absence, except of course, Tommy and Wilbur. The locker was crampt, and he barely had enough room to breath. He wanted to scream, but he knew it wouldn't work, as everybody was in class. He just had to wait until the next bell, and some students had their break period. 

(Ok, and that ends the fist chapter for this story! I hope you enjoyed, and if I made any errors, don't be scared to tell me. The second chapter should be out within 3 days. I hope you have a good day/night. -Elle) (736 words)

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now