Chapter 3

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(Things are 'bouta get good in this chapter!)

No Ones POV

     The three males were sitting in George's bedroom eating chips George had just gotten from the kitchen. While George and Sapnap were talking, Dream was in deep thought about why he liked Sapnap's presence. 

     "Dream! DREAM QUIT ZONING OUT!" George exclaimed. Dream finally snapped back into reality, and said, "Oh, sorry. What happened?" "Oh nothing, Sapnap and I were just talking." George said. Dream looked over at Sapnap and the two made eye contact. Dream quickly looked away. George, once again, made an excuse to leave and come back. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go get more chips." George then left the room, once again leaving Dream and Sapnap alone together. 

     For some reason, Sapnap got nervous when he was alone with Dream. Dream could tell, and was confused about this. Sapnap knew Dream wasn't gonna bite, but he was just nervous he would mess up in front of him, and have someone else tormenting him. "Hey is something wrong, you look a little uncomfortable." Dream said in a calm voice. "O-oh, uh no, I'm fine." Sapnap stuttered. "No, I can tell something is wrong. Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite." Dream said in a even calmer voice. George was taking way longer than usual, and he never took this long, but Dream didn't care. He wanted to hear what Sapnap had to say. "Well, uhm I'm just nervous, I know you're popular, and I just don't want to mess up in front of you-" Sapnap said quietly. "Oh, you don't need to worry about what you say to me, as long as it doesn't hint to you being a psychopath." Dream said, reassuringly. "Okay.." Sapnap said. Dream had a suspicion Sapnap wasn't telling him. The thing is, Sapnap knows something that alarms him. Dream is actually friends with Tommy and Wilbur, which scares Sapnap. He doesn't know if Dream is like Tommy and Wilbur, or if he's nice. Sapnap has lately been very worried that Tommy and Wilbur might do something physical to him again, like shove him in a locker again. 

     George then abruptly opened the door and burst into the room. "Hey guys I got the chips! Did you guys get along?" George said, like every time he left and came back. "Yes George, You know We're, well at least I'm aware that your leaving to see if well get along." Dream said with a blank face. "Well, yeah, I want you guys to get along." George said. Sapnap for the first time, have a small grin on his face while Dream was there. Just then, Dreams phone buzzed. "Hold on it's Tommy, I got to answer, I'll be right back." Dream said while leaving the room. Sapnap's face went white. His head filled with 1,00 questions at once. "Does Tommy know I'm here? Is Tommy ranting about me to Dream? Is Dream not going to like me after this? Will Tommy be angry at me at school on Monday?" He thought. "It's okay Sap, he's just calling Dream." George said nicely. "But what their talking about me? What if Dream is telling him about me? What if Tommy is mad at me? What if-" Sapnap said quickly. "Shhhh, it's gonna be okay." George reassured. George and Sapnap then had a big hug. 

 Dream's POV

      Okay, I just walked out of George's room, and now I have to answer Tommy's call. I tap the answer call button. (The Italics is Tommy, I'm To lazy to add quotation marks lol)

Hey Tommy. How are you?

Oh, I'm doing just fine, how about you Dream? 

 I'm Doing just fine, how 'bout you?

I'm Fine. So What you doing right now, huh Dream?

I'm at George's house right now. George introduced me to this guy. His name is Sapnap, and he seems pretty nice.

I've talked to Sapnap before. He's okay I guess.

Well, what are you doing right now Tommy?

Oh, I'm just chilling while playing Minecraft.

Cool. Well I got to go. Cya later.

Bye Dream.

Tommy's POV

     I am enraged right now. Dream is at George's house, AND THAT DUMB SAPNAP IS THERE! I genuinely can't believe this.  I need to tell Wilbur about this. Sapnap is not gonna have a good day on Monday.

     I have now gone back to my contact list, and immediately went to Wilbur. I spammed the call button, to annoy him into picking up his phone. I waited about 7 seconds before Wilbur was on the line. (The italics are now Wilbur.)

What Tommy?

Wilbur, it's very important. 

Cut to the chase Tommy. What is it.

Sapnap is at George's house, AND DREAM IS THERE!

Sapnap is at George's house and- WHAT!


Tommy, what are we gonna do about this?     

I was thinking about giving him a VERY bad day on Monday.

That works.. heh

Alright Wilbur, talk to you later, bye.

Bye Tommy.

No One's POV 

     Dream has now walked back into George's room to see George and Sapnap hugging, and George was reassuring to Sapnap that everything would be okay. The two had not yet realized Dream was back in the room. Dream felt the miserable feeling of being jealous. Though, he didn't know what he was jealous.  "Ahem, what did I miss?" Dream said a little loudly. George jumped after hearing Dream's voice come from behind him. "Woah Dream, didn't see you there." George said while catching his breath after jumping. "I believe I asked what was going on, didn't I?" Dream said in a sarcastic tone. "Oh, well, I-" George started but was interrupted by Sapnap. "We were just hugging." Sapnap said with a blank face. "Well what was George reassuring you about?" Dream asked, yet again in a sarcastic tone. Sapnap froze, as he thought Dream was mad at him. Dream immediately could tell Sapnap was visibly uncomfortable. Dream didn't know what to say to make Sapnap feel better, as Dream has never been one to calm people down. George was also aware Sapnap was uncomfortable, and said, "Dream, you made him upset! I know that you tend to act like that sometimes Dream, but with someone you just met is not a good idea!" Dream froze and had the horrible feeling of guilt fill his body. "Sapnap, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, I just-" Dream started, but was interrupted. "It's fine, Dream. You didn't mean it anyway." Sapnap stated. 

     The rest of the day went by just fine. As George walked back into his house after dropping Sapnap off at his house, Dream immediately pulled George to the couch to ask him questions. "George, what happened with Sapnap when I went to take that call with Tommy? George tell me!" Dream said in a more demanding tone. "Dream, I-" George Started. "George tell me now!" Dream said in an even more demanding tone. "Lets just say, Sapnap doesn't have the best relationship with Tommy..." George said. "What do you mean by that!?" Dream said in a confused tone. "I'm not going to tell you. You'll figure it out if you keep an eye on Sapnap at school." George said. "George, you're seriously not going to tell me?" George shock his head no. Dream sighed. What was he missing?

Well that ends this chapter! I hope you enjoyed. There are 1,241 words in this chapter. This took forever to write (Mainly because I kept distracting myself, lol). Well have a good day/night! -Elle 

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now