Chapter 32

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No Ones POV

Dream and Sapnap were astonished. They had never expected those words to come out of George's mouth, and the two wanted them to go back in. Even while boiling with anger on the inside, they kept cool on the outside with small smiles, because they didn't want to upset George in any way. Keeping a smile was hard for Dream and Sapnap, because the moment they had caught sight of her sitting on George's couch, they wanted her to leave and never come back. June had pretended to barely notice them, and moved her fingers around on her phone pretending to play a game. Taking small looks from her phone to the two males to had just arrived, she cracked a slight, barely noticeable grin. An awkward silence had filed the room for a few moments, but was all broken when Dream had spoken up. "We actually met her a few days ago, but Sapnap and I are still happy to be here." Sapnap could hear the barely noticeable sourness in his voice, and Sapnap completely understood. He could tell that George didn't hear it, but he couldn't tell if June had heard it. "Well that nice, that means you guys don't need to be introduced or any of that stuff." George said happily. The four then moved from the living room over to George's kitchen. 

      It was quite awkward and uncomfortable for Dream, and even more for Sapnap. June hadn't yet tried to do anything actually rude to Dream, but she has done multiple things to hurt and upset Sapnap, and more were to come. As they walked into the kitchen, the four sat down in various spots. June sat on the counter, while Dream and Sapnap took two chairs at the table. George just stood by the oven, and an awkward conversation started. "So, how did you guys all meet?" George started with, trying to add some light conversation into the atmosphere. "We met at a restaurant." June said taking her eyes off her phone for a second. "Cool." George said. Another silence the filled the room. Sapnap was very uncomfortable and almost wanted to leave. Dream was also uncomfortable, but not to the point he wanted to leave. He was waiting to see if she would make a move, because he had been thinking of some rough ways to reject her so she would finally leave them alone. But Dreams plan didn't work. The entire time spent at George's house was mainly silent with a few small sections you couldn't even call a conversation.  Time slowly passed by, and soon it was time for Sapnap and Dream to leave, but they didn't want to leave George alone with the girl who was a hidden maniac. But Dream just knew that June wasn't leaving until that he and Sapnap had left. So Dream asked Sapnap if he wanted to leave, and Sapnap quickly nodded yes. So the two left and went back to their homes, but that didn't mean the night was over yet. 

     Once Sapnap and Dream were gone, June began talking innocently with George, to secure the fact that he trusted her. About an hour after Sapnap and Dream left is when June ended up leaving. She got in her car and began to drive, but she didn't go to her house. She grabbed the picture she had previously picked up of the ground at school, and looked for the address. Typing it into her GPS, she planned ways to ensure she didn't get caught. She had done things like this before, so she was pretty experienced. She followed her GPS, and soon arrived at the same house in the picture. Parking about 15 ft down the road from the house, she walked down the sidewalk and snuck into the backyard. Scanning the backyard looking for places she could hide in for any future trouble she could get into, she quickly found many places. Her personal favorite place she saw was a group of bushes with a small compartment looking-thing inside. This landed her top rank as the group of bushed sat outside the backdoor to the house, which was glass. Being able to have a clear view into the house, and a hidden place to sit was always a good advantage to her. She snuck over to the group of bushes, and looked for the easiest way inside the small compartment. She soon found a small opening in the back f the bushes, facing away from the house. This was perfect for her. All she needed to do to make sure she would never be caught is wear green clothes that matched the bushes color, which would be easy as she had a large selection of clothes at home. She took a few pictures of the bushes, and snuck back out to her car. She then got in the car, and went home. 

     Once she was back in her own house, she went to her room and sat down at her desk. Her parents weren't home, as they had been out at a wedding. She grabbed her diary out of it's secret drawer, and grabbed a pen to begin writing 

Dear Diary,

        Today I did some stuff that will give me a huge advantage to winning Dream's heart. First, I gained one of Dream's friends trust, whose name is George. He is very easy to get along with, and I think that he will give me a bug advantage. He allows me to spend more time around Dream, giving me a better idea of what he might be like personally. The second thing that has happened today is also huge, and maybe even bigger that gaining George's trust. I found a picture on the ground at school today that had a picture of Sapnap, who I originally called Bandana, and Dream in front of Dream's house. I knew it was Dream's house because of a small caption on the back. The address of the house was visible in the picture, so I ended up finding out where Dream's house is. I went there just to check, and everything was great. I was in fact at the right house, and there were plenty of places to hide in his backyard. I found a spot I specifically liked. The spot is a bunch of bushes that form a circle like shape with a small empty space in the middle. There was a small opening on the back that faces away from the house, which allowed me  to crawl inside and stay concealed away from anyone's vision. I just have to wear green clothes and I should be completely hidden. That's all for today.

                                                                                                                                              Signing off,

     She then closed her diary, and put it away in it's secret compartment. She then put her pajamas on and went to bed for the night. 

That will end today's chapter. There were 1,183 words in todays chapter. I also hope you all had a nice mother's day, and are having a great day today. Well, have a nice day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now