Chapter 31

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No One's POV

     Both Dream and Sapnap just got out their second classes and are about to meet up for their first break period. Sapnap speed walked through the halls to only find Dream not at his locker. Confused, Sapnap looked around a little, wondering if June had somehow managed to get him. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spots June talking with some popular girls. Sapnap didn't usually know names. But because of the girls popularity throughout the school, he just happened to know their names. He was 98% sure that one of the two girls who had straight, chocolate brown hair was Delilah. And the other with somewhat curly red hair was  Chelsea. He wondered why June was talking to them, but he shrugged it off. At least she wasn't bothering Dream. 

     Sapnap continued wondering the halls, searching for Dream. Eventually, Sapnap found Dream talking with George. Dream had caught George on his was to a class. Dream waved and George walked away. Sapnap then took the chance to approach Dream. "Hey Dream, what you doing?" Sapnap asked as he neared the taller male. "Oh, just finished a conversation with George. Oh, sorry I wasn't at my locker. I was walking there when George ended up coming by." Dream said with an apologetic tone. The two boys then continued to talk with one another. 

     Meanwhile with June, she had flawlessly managed to get along and become friends with the popular girls. She did actually want to be friends with them, as they would do more for her than just back her up. She found it hilarious that even some of the most popular people in the school would fall for her little tricks. Now that she had made friends with them, she wanted to do something. She approached one of the closest hallways to the front of the school, and looked around. Bandana was nowhere to be seen. Sneakily, she opened one of her books and took a small, blue sticky note out. She read it carefully as she opened Sapnap's locker. Click. It was opened. She took a look inside. She wasn't planning on taking anything, yet. She knew that it was too early in the game to do something like that. She just scanned the contents of the locker, and closed it after about a minute of searching. She ran off to her locker, and put the sticky note back in the book. She looked around as she put the book back in her locker, making sure no one had been suspicious of her. Nobody even looked at her. It was perfect. She grinned for a slight second, and went back to her new friends. She had told them that she had to "do something," which was completely true, yet suspicious. She made her way down the hallway, and midway through the hallway, she saw something on the ground. It was a picture. It looked as if someone had dropped it running through the hallway. The picture displayed Sapnap and Dream, at what looked to be the front of a house. On the back of the picture, the words "Dream and I at Dream's house." were written in sharpie on it. In the bottom right corner, come small, yet readable words read, "If lost, please return to Sapnap."  June analyzed both the front and back of the image. She now knew what Bandana's name was, which was Sapnap. She also now knew what Dream's house looked like. This was a win-win for her. She tucked the photo in her pocket. The bell than ringed, and June went to her class.

     The rest of the day went by quick. Dream had been packing his things to go home when he got a text from someone. Looking at his messages, he saw a notification from George. The message read, "Come to my house and bring Sapnap. I want to show you guys something." Dream replied just with "okay" and went on with packing his things. When Dream was leaving the school, he searched for Sapnap to tell him that he was picking him up. Dream soon could clearly see Sapnap's black hair and white bandana in the distance. Running up to him before Sapnap could get on the bus, Dream tole Sapnap what was going to happen once he was home. Sapnap was fine with it, and Dream went to his car, anxious to see what George had to show him and Sapnap. He then drove home. 

June's POV

     I just got home, and I need to get ready. I'm going somewhere is a little bit, and I need to look my best. I put on some different clothes and do my hair. I curl my hair, repaint my nails, and switch my earrings. As I finish putting on a small layer of makeup, I get a notification on my phone. It's a message. It reads, "When are you coming over?" I respond with "in about 10 - 20 minutes." I get sent a thumbs up, and I continue doing my makeup. I then soon get in my car, and go to where I was suppose to go.

No One's POV

     Dream and Sapnap soon pull up to George's house. Dream knocks on the door, and both of the two males wait. The door soon opens, and they are greeted by George's smiling face. "Hey Dream, Sapnap, I would like you guys to meet my new friend, June."

Hey guys, that will end todays chapter. I hope you all enjoyed. There were 949 words in this chapter. I don't really have anything to say right now, so I hope you all have a noice day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now