Chapter 34

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No Ones POV

     Sapnap had just finished a call with Dream, and Sapnap completely understood why Dream  had hung up. Having been stolen from in a place where your belongings should be safe is always something that will make your heart pound. Sapnap decided that he would try to see if he could get his locker code changed to try and prevent anything like that happening again. 

      Sapnap had a few suspicions about who could've done it, but his main suspect was June. He wasn't yet aware about what June was capable of, so he for now wasn't completely sure. He just knew that whoever did it, would have a good chance of getting away with it every time, especially because the school had no cameras or forms of protection. The only thing really protecting the school is the fact they lock the doors at night, but sometimes Sapnap has a suspicion that sometimes they forget to lock the doors after school hours are over. Knowing that the school isn't always a safe environment, and especially because what has started going on, Sapnap needed the be extra cautious of his things and his friends. Both Sapnap and Dream knew that June purposely gained the trust of George, which is an easy task no matter who you are. Wondering how she had first approached George, Sapnap went to his bedroom and lied down in bed. He went to his messages and went to text George. He needed to warn George, nicely, that June was quite a threat. 

       Typing in the message, Sapnap wondered how to word it to make sure George was aware of the danger June was to them, and to make sure that George wouldn't take offense. Soon, Sapnap soon figured it out. "Hey George, I just wanted to let you know that June is kinda weird and sus to me and Dream. I think she might've been snooping around in my locker, which I don't like very much. I just want to let you know to be careful around her." Pressing the send button, Sapnap felt good to be able to warn his friend about a potential threat. Sapnap laid his phone down on his chest and stared up at the ceiling. He all of the sudden felt a hinger to get something to eat, so he sluggishly got out of his bed and went down to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he felt the nice chill of the low temperature of the fridge. Embracing the cool feeling, he closed his eyes for a few seconds. Moments later when he opened his eyes, he looked at the selection of things he could choose from. Noticing he didn't have much in there, he closed the fridge and decided that it would be smart to take a trip to the store. The store was only a few blocks away from his house, so whenever he went he would ride his bike. Grabbing his wallet, he grabbed his bike and began the short ride to the store. About 10 minutes later, he parked his bike in the little bike parking thing (sorry forget what it's called lol) and walked into the store. He took a walk through the isles and grabbed all the things he needed. about 5 minutes later, he walked up to the register. As the cashier checked his things out, Sapnap looked out the glass doors and at the surrounding buildings. There were a few houses and a gas station, nothing special. Well so he thought it was nothing special until he saw a familiar face outside of one of the houses, coming towards the store. He immediately finished checking his things out as quick as possible and left the store. 

     Meanwhile with George, he heard a ring come from his phone. It was a message. Eagerly getting on his phone to see who had messaged him, he was happy to see it was from Sapnap. Reading what it said, George went from normal to sort of shocked. From what George had thought, he thought that June was just a nice girl looking for some friends, when to Sapnap, she was a monster in disguise. George was confused until he read the part of the message talking about the potential fact that she could've stolen something from Sapnap. Obviously George would go on Sapnap's side, but what confused George was what the motive would be to do something rude like that. Setting his phone down, he thought about what could've happened that made Dream and Sapnap not have the fondest feelings about June. George knew that they didn't like her much from the other day when he had June over along with them, but why? George decided he would ask them why the next day at school to finally get an answer. George sighed and went off to go on a walk. 

     Sapnap was scared to moment he saw what he saw out the store doors. He had ran off immediately and got home. Hoping they didn't see him, he quickly put the things he had bought away and went to his room. This was bad news the Sapnap, and he feared the havoc that could happen at school. He knew the next Friday could be appropriately called "Dieday". 

 Haha, leaving you all off on suspense. Also, hoped you all liked the chapter. There were 975 words in this chapter. I'm hoping that soon, all the elements of the story so far are going to collide together and rain chaos and make the story a lot better and more interesting. Also, the story is getting quite long, so I'm probably going to try and end it around the start of summer break from school. That way less people will lose interest in the story. Well, hope you all have a nice day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now