Chapter 8

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No Ones POV

      George ran towards Dream and Sapnap as they were walking into the school. Dream didn't notice George, but Sapnap saw him before George started running to them. Dream had texted George earlier about Sapnap staying at his house, So George knew to look for Sapnap with Dream. George immediately wanted to know how things went with Wilbur, and if everything was okay. "Soo guys.. Did everything go okay?" George asked once he reached the two males. "Oh, George you scared me! and, yeah. Everything went fine." Dream said. Sapnap let out a little "mhm" in agreement. George smiled and walked with them into the school building. 

      The three males parted and went to their lockers. Dream hurried to put all his things in his locker and get his supplies out for his first class. He wanted to hurry to Sapnap to make sure nothing went wrong while he was gone. Once Dream finished putting his stuff away, he ran to Sapnap. Once he turned the corner, he saw Sapnap happily putting his things away, whilst humming a happy little song. "He must be happy he's finally free to put his stuff away without any torment." Dream thought. Dream couldn't stop staring at the happy, shorter male. He just looked so happy and cute. Well, that's what Dream thought. Dream must've stared at Sapnap  for a good 45 seconds before Sapnap noticed.

     "Oh, Dream! What you doing staring at me?" Sapnap said, obviously teasing Dream. "Oh, I.. uhm..-" Dream started. "Oh it's fine. Where's George at? I want to tell him about yesterday, and what happened." Sapnap said. "Oh, I think he's at his locker. He always takes a long time at his locker." Dream replied. "Oh, okay. I'm going to go talk to him. See ya Dream!" Sapnap happily said before walking off. Once Sapnap left, Dream got the strange feeling that he should follow him.

Tommy's POV

     I just texted Wilbur to meet me by my locker, so he should be here in a minute. I really need him to tell me what happened at Dream's house. I really need to know. Oh, there he is. "Hey Tommy. What did you want?" Wilbur said. "Oh, can you tell me what happened at Dream's house yesterday?" I said. Wilbur kind of hesitated before even taking a breath to say something. "Well.. Uhm-  Sapnap and I.. kinda.. made up." Wilbur said quietly. Oh my gosh. You have to be kidding me. THEY MADE UP!? But why?! Just why?! "Why?!" I just blurted out. "Well, I just couldn't.. take the guilt. I don't know why I did it in the first place.." Wilbur said very quietly. I could tell he was very nervous around me. I couldn't process anything at this point. I just quietly walked away to my first class, because the bell was about to ring. 

Dream's POV

     I began to follow Sapnap, just to see what would happen. As I followed him, I felt like if he stood still, I could daze at him forever. He's just so pretty, and I want to talk to him. I can't believe I'm thinking about this, but I just feel like this. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bell ring. I guess I can just skip the first period, No-body will care anyway. Sapnap started running as soon as the bell ring. When I turned around, he was nowhere to be seen. I think he either tried to run to George's locker, or he ran to class. I'm not in the mood to walk around and find out, So I'm just going to hide somewhere and play on my phone till the next period.

Sapnap's POV

     The bell just rang while I was on my way to George's locker. I began to run, so I could make it in time before he was too far. When I got there, I saw George, leaning against his locker, on his phone. His first period was a break. My teacher for my first lesson is really laid back, and doesn't care if anyone is late, so I should be fine. "Hey, George." I said after I approached George. "Oh, Hey Sap. What you doing?" George asked me. "Oh, I just wanted to come over and tell you about yesterday." I said "So, while we were doing the project, Dream left to go to the bathroom, so it was just me and Wilbur. And then, Wilbur said he was sorry!" I exclaimed. "That's good. What about Tommy?" "Oh, I don't know about Tommy." 

     George and I then stood in front of George's locker and talked. While talking with George, time flied, so the bell rang after what felt like a minute. "Oh, that's the bell. Sorry Sap, I gotta go to my class, It's on the other side of the school, so I gotta run! Bye!" George said to me while beginning to run through the hallway. 

      I decided that I should go to this next class, because my teacher for that class is very strict. I went to my locker, grabbed my stuff, and went to class. 

     That class felt like it took forever. it was very long and boring. When I left the classroom, I saw Dream standing outside the door. Dream and I both have a break period at this time, so we can hang out. Dream walked with me as I went to my locker to put my stuff away, then we could talk. Once I put my stuff away, Dream and I would usually sit by one of our lockers and talk. 

      One thing I have noticed is that Dream's hoodie is a little big on me, and the jeans are also a little baggy on me. Dream said it looked cute, and that's why he was staring at me. I thought that was a little weird, but it's fine.

Okay, that ends this chapter. It's currently 1:45AM right now lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There were 1,012 words in this chapter. Have a noice day/night! -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now