Chapter 26

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No Ones POV

     He woke up from his long sleep at 11:00AM. He proceeded grab his phone from its charger and think about things he could spend his time doing. He thought for a few moments, and went out into his living room. He turned the TV on had back round noise, and sat on the couch to play games on his phone. Every few moments, he would focus his attention on the TV, but then went back to his phone. He did this for about an hour until he got bored of it. He had felt a hunger build up in him, but he was to lazy to go and make himself food. He thought for a moment, and decided to go to a restaurant. It sounded good, but he didn't want to be alone. He also was starting to long to be with his friends. An idea popped into his head. He decided that he would ask Dream and George to come with him. He got on his phone quickly and messages his two friends. A few minutes later, he received two notifications from his phone. He checked and saw two messages. He soon saw that George was too busy to come, but Dream was able to come and agreed. Sapnap was a little sad George couldn't come, but that was okay. He was happy that Dream was going to come with him. Sapnap and Dream then started a call. Over this call, they decided where they wanted to go, and who was going to pick up who. They soon had it all figured out, and were both quite happy. Sapnap then waited at his door, because Dream was going to come and pick him up. Waiting, he played games on his phone. Around 5 minutes later, Sapnap could hear a car outside his house. He then rushed out of his house and into Dream's car. The two immediately began a conversation.

     The two soon pulled up to the restaurant. Getting out of the car, the two discussed what they did at home up until that moment. The two then walked into the doors. They were greeted by a waitress who led them to their seat. "This almost feels like a date." Dream said with a giggle. "It does." Sapnap agreed. The two opened their menus and looked at their long list of choices. "It's almost impossible to choose!" Sapnap said after taking a look at the menu and how long it was. Dream nodded in agreement. There was a silence has the two boys looked at their menus. A few moments later, a waitress approached the two. "Do you guys know what you'd like to drink?" The waitress said. She had s somewhat high pitched voice, and she looked like she was around the same age as the two. The two males looked at each other and nodded.  "Yeah, I think we're ready." Sapnap said. The waitress looked over at Sapnap as he said this, but didn't look too amused. It was like she didn't like Sapnap for some odd reason. There was no reason for her to hold a grudge, but Sapnap just shook it off. "You Sir?" The waitress asked Dream with her small notebook ready. She had a smile on her face, and sounded happy to ask him. Dream told her what he wanted to drink, and she nodded all the way through. When she wrote it down, she maintained eye contact with Dream, and still somehow wrote it perfectly. She then turned over in a way that almost completely changed the mood. that had  made it really obvious that there was something about Sapnap she didn't like, and you'd have to be really oblivious if you couldn't catch on. "And you?" She said, in an almost annoyed voice. Sapnap then stated what he wanted, and the waitress looked at her notebook had she wrote it down. She took longer to write it down than she did with Dream, even though what Sapnap wanted to drink didn't take much over 5 seconds to write down. She then walked away, but every time she could, she would slip a look over at Dream. Though, the two males didn't notice. Though, they did noticed how she acted when she was talking to them. It made both of them uncomfortable, especially because it was obvious what she was doing. Soon, she walked over with both of their drinks, and out of nowhere, she "accidently" dropped Sapnap's drink right as she was about to set it down. Though is spilled so close, it didn't get on Sapnap, which made the waitress look a little agitated. When she spilled it, she said "Oops!" in the most unconvincing way. Dream and Sapnap were not convinced it was an accident, but everyone else in the restaurant was. She said "Sorry." in the most sarcastic way, but then set Dream's drink down right after. About 5  minutes later, she came back out with a new drink for Sapnap, and asked what they wanted to eat. 

     The two told her what they wanted, and she did the same thing that she did when they ordered their drinks. She looked happy to take Dream's order, but not very happy when taking Sapnap's. "What is she gonna do this time, drop my food in the garbage?" Sapnap said jokingly to Dream. Dream laughed at that little joke that Sapnap made, but the waitress was looking at them when this happened. Even though she could not hear what they were saying, she knew it was about what had happened. She did not like the fact that Dream was laughing at the joke either. 

     Within 15 minutes, their food was ready. Sapnap was starving, and hoped that the waitress wouldn't do something dumb. She walked over with the trays of food, and set them down at the table. Before she left to go tend to other customers, she slipped Dream a small piece of paper and walked away quickly. Sapnap looked confused as Dream opened the crumbled piece of paper and read it. Dream looked a little grossed out when he read it. "Wow, just ready this." Dream said and passed Sapnap the paper. The little note read, "My number, call me ;) ###-###-####" Sapnap laughed a little at this. When this happened, the waitress was not watching. The two then continued to eat their food, and ignored the note. Soon when they finished their food and were handed the bill, they both agreed to pay for what they ordered. When they went to fill out the waitress's tip, they put 5 cents. Before they left, Dream ripped up the small piece of paper with the waitress's number on it right in front of her. Dream knew this would make her angry, which was all a part of the fun. The two males then left, and Dream dropped Sapnap off at his home.

Wooooo, a longer chapter! I hope you all enjoyed. In this chapter, there were 1,181 words. Well, I hope you all have a good day/night. -Elle

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