Chapter 4

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No Ones POV

     The rest of the weekend went by just fine. Sapnap chilled at home, with a few from with George. The weekend has now ended, and It's Monday morning. Sapnap just woke up and got dressed. He's a little nervous about the torment he'll get from Tommy and Wilbur today. Sapnap grabbed a piece of bread from the kitchen and ate it whilst walking to the end of his driveway to wait for the bus. The bus was actually pretty early that day. The bus pulled up, and he got on. 

     Sapnap took an empty seat a began to stare out the window, waiting for George to get on the bus. Within 5 minutes, George was on the bus, and sitting next to Sapnap. The two immediately engaged in conversation. 

Dream's POV

     I just got out of my car, and the buses are already pulling up to the school. I began my walk into the school, when I saw George and Sapnap get off a bus. I decided not to go talk to them, as I am a little bit tired. I am now inside the school, and am walking to my locker. My locker isn't to far from the school's entrance, so it's not a long walk. I feel bad for George, as his locker is on the other side of the school. I'm still confused about why George told me to keep an eye on Sapnap, and didn't just give me an answer. I guess I should just watch him I guess. 

     I'm now looking around for Sapnap. I'm pretty sure his locker is near the entrance of the school, so I'll look there first. I just turned the corner, and I can see Sapnap putting his stuff away. And it looks like Tommy and Wilbur are approaching him. Wait, why would they be approaching him? Tommy did say he was okay over the phone, but still, why would they be approaching him if he was just 'okay'? I'm so confused right now. I'll just wait and see what happens. 

No Ones POV

     Tommy and Wilbur were now approaching Sapnap to give him a 'talk'. Sapnap hasn't noticed the two coming up behind him, and isn't aware of the danger that was coming to him. Tommy gave Sapnap a hard punch in the shoulder to get his attention. "OOOW, what the heck, why did you guys do do that?!" Sapnap said in a scared voice. "Since when were you friends with Dream?" Wilbur said in a demanding voice. Dream couldn't process what he was watching. His two best friends hurting Sapnap, the guy he just met. Dream wanted to go over and tell the two off, and calm Sapnap down, but his legs couldn't move. He was jus stuck there watching Tommy and Wilbur Torment Sapnap.

     "I was just at George's house, and he just came over on his own!" Sapnap answered truthfully, although he did know Dream would be there. "We never said you could be friends with Dream. Especially when he's OUR best friend." Tommy angerly said. Tommy gave Sapnap a quick, sharp, slap in the face. Sapnap felt like running away, yet that wouldn't let him escape his problems. Sapnap couldn't say anything. He was filled with fear. As Dream watched, every second he got angrier, until the point he couldn't hold back anymore. 

     Dream stomped over to the three males, and yelled at Tommy and Wilbur. "WHAT THE H*LL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Dream was boiling with anger, and wanted to know exactly what was going on. "O-oh, hey Dream, we were just having a friendly conversation! Nothing to worry about.." Tommy said in a more scared tone. Dream looked over at Sapnap, and he was visibly upset and scared. "What I just watched did NOT look like a 'friendly conversation'." Dream said yet again, in an angry tone. Tommy and Wilbur were speechless, and Sapnap clanged onto Dream. "C'mon Sap, lets get you away from these idiots. Sapnap nodded and walked with Dream. 

     Tommy and Wilbur were left just standing there, speechless. Dream and Sapnap stopped walking when they finally found George. Dream now completely understood why George wanted to see what was happening to Sapnap. "Hey George..." Dream said in a more quiet voice. Dream's voice was a little worn down after screaming at Tommy and Wilbur. "Oh hey Dream, what happened? Did you see 'it' happening?" George asked. Dream just nodded yes. Sapnap went back to wrapping his arms around Dream's side. Dream didn't mind it at all. In fact, he liked it. It made him feel good. "Oh no.. are you okay, Sapnap?" George asked calmly. "Yeah I'm fine. The punch was a little hard but nothing bad. The slap wasn't that hard, but there might me a mark for a few days." Sapnap said without losing his grip on Dream. "Wait what, they punched and slapped you?! That's terrible!" George said. "I'm fine George." Sapnap stated. "Okay.. just stay away from them." George said. "Okay" 

     The next day came quickly, and Sapnap stayed extra alert for Tommy and Wilbur. If he saw them, he'd immediately leave the area. Soon, Sapnap was in his History class, which Dream and Wilbur was also in. The teacher announced that they were going to be doing a project, with partners.  The teacher began announcing who was going to be partners, and to Sapnap's surprise, he was put in a group with Wilbur and Dream. He was a little worried about Wilbur being in the group, and hoped that Dream would protect him. The project was going to be about the 13 colonies. The project was going to be due on Friday, which was 4 days from then. The teacher told the groups to get together and start working. 

     The three males grouped together and the conversation went like this (I'm too lazy to do quotation marks, so Italics are Wilbur, Bold is Dream, and Normal is Sapnap.): Well, whos house are we going to? We can go to my house That works with me I guess.. Well should we start working now, or start at my house? We can start at your house. 

      The three just sat there and talked until the bell rang. They would fight about stuff at Dream's house. Once the bell rang, the three split up and went their ways. 

Well that ends this chapter. Like always, I hope you enjoyed. In this chapter, there were 1114 words. I'm now going to try to post a chapter every day. I'm sorry if I every skip a day, but I will always try to publish one. Well, have a good day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now