Chapter 35

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June's POV

       I am extremely happy right now. Well, not just happy. Something just happened that I know for a fact will help me get that Sapnap out of my way. I just met a guy as I was taking a walk down the road. He was walking in the opposite direction as me, but stopped and walked with me. I immediately connected. It was perfect, almost like it was meant to be. Oh yeah, and his name? I believe it was Tommy. 

     On the walk, we got to know a little bit about each other. I soon figured out that he used to bully Sapnap, and he still help a few grudges against him. This exited me, knowing I could potentially have a partner in crime. Once we parted and I went back home, I began plotting ideas on how I could use Tommy and make sure both of us would be satisfied. But, the school year is ending soon, so I do have to be quick. I schemed for about 20 minutes before I came up with the perfect plan. First of all, within a week I would make him fall in love with me, so he would stick with me. I am pretty good at manipulating others, which will definitely come in handy. We already have a lot in common, so it shouldn't be that hard to do. Then, I will slowly let him know on what I've been doing, but I'll do it slowly. I first tell him the minor things I'm planning and doing, and I'll slowly tell him the more major things, but at such a pace that it won't seem much worse than the minor things.  That way, he won't see how bad the things I do actually are. Then, I'll allow him to join me on my small little missions. And if we ever get caught, I will completely betray him and blame him. That way, nothing will happen to me. I've done this before, so I know what I'm doing. Then, we will anonymously torment Sapnap online, so he doesn't know who is doing it. We will also make completely new accounts for doing this, so nobody will have any information about us. I could also threaten him so he will give me information about Dream, but I probably won't do that until a little bit after we start the online tormenting. It is a flawless plan, and it will get Sapnap out of my way. 

No Ones POV

     Sapnap was laying in bed, scared about what he had saw across the street from the store. He has seen June AND Tommy, walking and talking together! Then could be a KO for Sapnap, and can't mean anything good for him. Sapnap needed a way to avoid them, but how? He never had thought he'd have ever been in a situation like this, and he just didn't know how to get out of it. He had no idea about what the were talking about, and what they were doing together in the first place, but just the thought of the trouble they could be scared him. He lied in bed thinking about it, and eventually fell asleep. 

     Sapnap woke up around 7:00PM, and he was still a little tired, yet he was hungry. He got out of bed and grabbed something he had previously bought at the store. He lied on the couch, watching TV as he continued to think about what had happened. He soon turned off the TV, and went back to bed. He wanted to have a lot of energy for what could potentially happen the following day. He didn't know what to expect, because he knew anything could happen with that dangerous duo. Even with a million things going on in his head at once, Sapnap still somehow managed to fall fast asleep. Even with stress about what could happen the next day, he still fell asleep, which can be hard to do on some occasions. He slept peacefully throughout the entire night, until the morning. Sapnap did wake up about half an hour early, as caused by him going to bed early. He got ready early and still had about 15 minutes to spare, so he sat on the couch and played around on his phone. He was wide awake by the time he heard the bus pull up to his house. Even though he wasn't excited to go to school, he quickly got onto the bus and sat down. He starred out the window wondering what would happen on such a beautiful morning. The sky was blue, the birds were chirping, and all bad moods would disappear under the rays of the bright sun. But Sapnap knew that something would come along and ruin it all. He just knew it. He didn't know how or when, but he just felt it in his gut. So he decided not to be to happy about the weather, and to be skeptical about what was happening around him. He just stared out the window, with the background noises being a bunch of high schoolers hollering and talking. 

That ends todays chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. There were 928 words in this chapter. I know, I don't usually have a chapter out on Saturdays, but I'm going to be kind of bust tomorrow on Sunday, so I just thought I'd get a chapter out now instead of tomorrow. It will just save me the stress. Well, I hope that you all have a wonderful day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now