Chapter 30

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No Ones POV

       It was now a Tuesday morning. Sapnap yawned as he got out of bed. He stretched a little before going in his closet to put on his normal clothes. About 5 minutes later, he walks over to his kitchen to make himself some quick breakfast. Once he was done eating, he got his things ready for school, and was done right on time. As he put his backpack on, he could hear the squeaky engine of the bus approaching his driveway. He sauntered his way out the door, and sat in his usual seat. Waiting for George, he hummed a little song to himself while looking out the window. He could see George's house in the distance, but the bus abruptly stopped a few houses away. This wasn't normal, as the usual route of the bus went from Sapnap's house directly to George's house. Sapnap looked up towards the front of the bus to see a face he didn't like. It was June. He already didn't like how she tried to get in the was of him and Dream, and now she rode his bus?! This was ridicules, but Sapnap just watched to see where she would sit. She walked down the isle, and sat in an empty seat just across the isle from where Sapnap sat. Sapnap could tell that June knew he was there, and didn't that she didn't like that whatsoever. The bus then started again and stopped at George's house. George sat in his usual seat next to Sapnap, and the bus continued on its route. There was an awkward silence in the bus. Sapnap had stopped humming. The buses squeaky engine had seemed to get quieter as the seconds passed. The talking of the surrounding kids had seemed to die down. It was just an uncomfortable place to be in. Everyone that was there knew that. 

     After a long, awkward ride, the bus was finally at the school. Sapnap had gotten off the bus as quickly has he could, and began his walk into the school. He had felt a weird feeling. Just the feeling alone felt like it was affecting the people around him. It was so severe, Sapnap had realized Dream hadn't came up to scare him. This just made him grow extremely uncomfortable. He soon entered the building and opened his locker. He had yet again, gained the feeling that someone was watching him. Though this time when he turned around, the only people he could see were the kids flooding into the building after walking from the buses. He shrugged it off and put his things away. He soon began his daily schedule of classes. But little did he know, things were only going to go down from there. 

June's POV

     I have just walked into the school building, and what do you know. I see Bandana walking to his locker. I quickly realize I can use a great strategy that I've used at other schools before. I watch him from the cover of all the people flooding the building. I quickly grab a sticky note and pencil from my pocket that I always use just in can are needed. I watch Bandana put his locker code in, and I write it down as he does so. I put "Bandana's locker code" right above it, so I don't confuse it with anything else. I know that his locker code will come in handy in the future, so I quickly get to my locker and put the sticky note inside. I make sure I put it under some books so if I were talking with one of my "friends" at my locker, they wouldn't see it. I crack a little smile at the free advantage at this soon-to-be war as I put my things away into my locker. I then get ready to head to class.

     I walk down to my class, and I observe more the school's environment. Tan brick walls, blue lockers lining the walls, posters about things like bullying and school plays. It's all like what you could imagine the inside of a school. Just plain and boring. I then walk into the classroom. There are already a few kids inside. The walls are the same old bland color. There are about 20 desks in the room, with a notebook on each one. The teacher's desk is up in the front of the room by the door. The teacher's desk is about the size of two student desks. There are a few posters on the walls about algebra and math and stuff. I don't care that much for algebra, so I'm not even going to read them. I sit down at a desk in the 2nd row, and I watch as more students walk in. Once almost everyone is settled down in their seats and we're just waiting on a few more people, I begin taking visual notes of the people in the room. The teacher is a lady who looks to be in her 60s. Majority of the students are girls. I can tell just by looking around that I am one of the prettiest girls in the room. I take some pride in myself from the 10 minutes I spend every morning in the bathroom to make sure I look my best. The boys in the room all look like they are trying to be cool. Ripped jeans, sweatshirts, scars that look obviously fake, and very much jewelry. Class then begins, and I start the 45 minute sit through boring math that I'll most likely never actually use. 

     The class is soon over and the kids start rushing to get out. I decide that I'm going to approach some of the popular girls in the school, and try to make 'friends' with them. I feel that if I can at least get along with some popular girls, I may get more admirers that I can easily manipulate into joining my side of anything were to go wrong. I'll try using the same technique I used for other people. It always works. But instead of acting all said and lonely, I'll try acting cool and similar to them. I just have to stand by and watch them for a little while to figure out what they're like, then I'll approach them in a way that would seem accidental. It should be easy, as I have done similar things like this before. I just have to get through one more class until my first break period, then I can start my plan. 

Hi guys, that ends todays chapter. I hope you all enjoyed. There were 1,184 words in this chapter. I'm really enjoying writing with June in the story, as I think it makes the story a little more interesting. I think it also adds something new into the story, and that alone just makes it more fun to write. Just know, I have many ideas of things I can do with the story now the June is here now. Well, I hope you all have a nice day/night. -Elle

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