Chapter 9

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No Ones POV

     Dream and Sapnap decided to sit by Sapnap's locker today. Wilbur came and talked to them half way through the break period. He was nice to Sapnap, and they were now friends. They sat and talked about Random things, and Sapnap said he would return Dream's clothes the next day. They planned that Dream, Sapnap, and Wilbur would meet up again that afternoon, but Sapnap wouldn't stay the night. They were also going to meet up at Wilbur's house. Dream would pick Sapnap up and bring them to Wilbur's house. Dream would also drop Sapnap off at his house around 6:00PM. They would meet up at Wilbur's house around 3:00PM. The bell soon rang, signaling that they had to get ready for their next class. The three parted, and went to class. 

     The rest of the day was a blur, but was also very slow. Time just seemed to slow down to Sapnap, and he was getting tired. He felt as if he could fall asleep right then and there. before he could fall asleep, the final dismissal bell rang. This completely woke Sapnap up, and he got excited to leave. He decided he would take a quick nap when he got home. He quickly grabbed his backpack, and left the building. 

     His bus was parked a little far from the exit of the building, but not a very long walk. Sapnap speed walked through the parking lot, so he could get on the bus as fast as possible. When he got on the bus, George was already in their usual seat, and he already had a bright smile on his face, as he saw his friend approach him.  Sapnap sat down next to George, and immediately greeted him. "Hey George! How are you?" Sapnap said happily. "Oh, I'm just fine. How about you?" George asked. "I'm doing okay." Sapnap stated. "Hey, do you wanna hang out this weekend? I don't know if Dream will be there, though." George politely asked. "Oh, sure! I don't have anything going on this weekend." Sapnap replied. "Great!" 

     The rest of the bus ride went by quickly, and the bus pulled up to Sapnap's house before they knew it. "Oh, see you later George." Sapnap said as he glared out the window to see where they were. "Oh, bye Sapnap." George said as Sapnap stood up to walk to his house. 

    Once Sapnap entered his house, he walked into his living room and collapsed on his couch. He began to feel tired and soon fell asleep. He felt comfortable on the couch, especially after he's been tired all day. As he fell asleep, he began to daze into a deep thought. He wondered why Dream thought is was "cute" that he was wearing his clothes. He felt as if Dream may have been attached to him. He didn't know why he was thinking about this, but he oddly liked thinking about it. It distracted him from the world around him. As he thought, he was instantly scared by a knock on his front door. 

     This scared Sapnap awake, and made him glance at the clock. It was 3:00PM. Sapnap immediately knew it was Dream, and got up to answer the door. "Hey, you ready to go?" Sapnap heard Dream say as he opened the door. "Yeah, I'm ready." Sapnap said as he walked out the door with Dream. The two got into Dream's car, and began the drive to Wilbur's house. "So, what did you do before I picked you up, huh?" Dream asked Sapnap without taking his eyes off the road. "Oh, I just took a nap. You actually woke me up!" Sapnap said. Dream let out a small laugh, and said "Oh, sorry!" "Oh, it's fine." Sapnap said. 

     The car ride to Wilbur's house was quite short, as Wilbur only lived around 3 minutes away from Sapnap. Once the two were there, they knocked on the door. It took a few moments, but the door eventually opened. In the doorway, Sapnap saw Wilbur, but he didn't look his best. Dream didn't notice this, but Sapnap could tell right away Wilbur was upset about something. "You guys can come in." Wilbur said in his normal voice. They walked to Wilbur's living room so they could finish the project, and they got straight to work. They finished the project within 20 minutes of the time Dream and Sapnap entered Wilbur's house. 'Ahh, we finished the project already. Hey Wilbur, do you mind if I go grab my phone from my car?" Dream asked. "Oh, it's fine. Go grab it." Wilbur stated. Once Dream was out of the house, Sapnap confronted Wilbur.

     "Hey, is something wrong? you look a little upset." Sapnap said. "oh, uhm.. nothing's wrong. I'm just fine." Wilbur said. Sapnap could tell Wilbur was lying, and confronted him about it. "Listen, I know your lying. Something is wrong. I can feel it." Sapnap stated. "Fine, you got me. The truth is, I told Tommy about me apologizing to you, and he got mad about it. He called me after a got off the bus, and he was not happy at all. I'm scared about what's going to happen tomorrow. We've been best friends for a while now and he knows EVERYTHING about me.." Wilbur sadly said. "Oh no! Is there anything Dream and I can do to help?" Sapnap asked. "No, it's fine. I'll live through whatever Tommy is planning on doing. 

     Just after Wilbur finished that sentence, Dream walked into the house, phone in hand, and said "Hey, what happened while I was gone?"

Okay, that ends this chapter. I know I said I would write this when I woke up this morning, but I forgot. I'm trying to publish a chapter as often ass possible, but it's a little hard to publish a chapter every day, especially because I'm pretty busy most of the time.  Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. In this chapter, there were 1,006 words. Have a good day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now