Chapter 39

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No Ones POV

     It was now the weekend after a long week of school, and not much had happened. Since Wednesday, June had began scheming an evil plan. She had very much built up anger inside of her, and she wanted to take it all on something. She had been thinking about it for a few days, and she had the perfect victim. She knew that this is a little more risky, especially because she would cause actual physical damage. She was good at doing things sneakily, not actually making her self present and doing something bad. She needed a fool proof plan that would ensure success. But because of all the experience she had with other similar things, she could surely pull it off. She knew that the consequences of what she was going to do would be horrible if she actually was caught, so she needed to be careful as everything in her life would go from cruising in heaven to a crash down to hell if she messed one thing up. One thing that she had skill at that could go to her advantage is that she can change her handwriting to make it look like someone different, kind of like Veronica from Heathers. She just needed something with George's handwriting on it. George was not her victim, but she needed his handwriting to make it so as if she were caught in a disguise and the police found a note, they'd have George's handwriting and she would be safe.  She searched around in her backpack until she found something George had written to her. She studied it carefully until she had perfected his handwriting. It was perfect, she had everything she would need. 

     Dream and Sapnap had called all the time over the weekend, and sometimes George would join in. Sapnap really enjoyed having calls with Dream, it just made him feel all tingly inside. He had felt this feeling before, but even when on call with Dream? That was a little excessive to Sapnap, but he didn't mind it. He actually sort of liked the feeling. It was a very happy and joyful feeling that fluttered inside of him. But little did he know, Dream had been feeling that when around or on call with him to. 

     June had also been busy, other than the scheming. She had been hanging out with her popular friends and they had been doing a lot of stuff together. The three had hung out at June's house and talked about things. But when June was in the bathroom, her friends had discovered something weird. They had been looking around and had sotted something weird under her bed. When they pulled whatever it was out, they were shocked to find a large piece of cardboard that had push pins. Each push pin was connected to different colored strings that must've showed something. They found underneath there was a key that showed what everything meant. (The chapter banner ^) 

Black Dot = June
Purple Dot = George
Orange Dot = Tommy
Blue Dot = Sapnap
Green Dot = Dream
Grey Dot = No Body, Just To Connect Things.

Light Pink Line = Friends
ed Line = Enemies
Dark Pink Line = Crush
Grey Dot = No Body, Just To Connect Things.

     (Sorry the picture is so bad lol, I made it had quick as I could.)
Her friends could not believe their eyes as they stared at the cardboard. They quickly shoved it back under the bed as they heard June coming back, and they acted as if nothing was ever wrong. June could not tell that they had seen anything, so she suspected nothing was wrong. June's friends went home soon and talked about it on a call. They didn't want to know what was going on with her, so they decided just to ignore it, but soon they would see it come into play.  

    The weekend ended quickly, as per usual and Sapnap wasn't really in the mood to go back to school. The school year was coming to an end soon and all of the students were excited to get out of school for some to have a nice summer break, and for others to get their diploma and be finally done with school. The school days felt like they were getting longer has the last day approached, and it felt like an eternity just to be done with a single day. But, something was going to come that everyone would know about the day after it happens. It will surprise everybody, even the people in the school who are known as the "bad kids". But no matter what, everyone will know and be shocked. 

     Dream no longer was feeling like he was being watched at home all the time, but he felt it every now and again. He started closing his curtains more and it seemed to help. He was feeling more comfortable at home and could actually relax and feel safe. It was just scary to him that out of nowhere he felt like he was being watched. He knows that everyone feels like that every now and again, but that much at a single time is not normal. But he didn't really know what to do other that close his curtains and hope for the best. But little did he know, the best would be the opposite of what is about to happen.

And that ends todays chapter, I hope that you all enjoyed. There were 977 words in this chapter. I'm getting this chapter out as late as I can and I'm surprised I actually finished on time lol. The little picture I drew took me a little bit because I kept on messing up, but I got it done. It's not pretty, but it works haha. Well, I hope that you all have a great day/night. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now