Chapter 20

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No Ones POV

     George didn't know what to say. He knew what he wanted to say, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth. George built up the confidence, and said it. "Dream.. I-I.. I'm sorry but, I'd rather just stay friends..." Dream's face went blank. "O-oh.. that's okay I guess.. I'm happy you're being honest.." Dream stuttered. George quietly nodded. "C'mon.. let's go inside.." George said. 

     Once the two went inside, the entire mood changed. Everything seemed different, even though it was the same. Nobody seemed has happy anymore, but no one except Dream and George knew why. It wan an overall uncomfortable place to be in at that point. The house slowly became less and less full as people left for different reasons. Some left because they had places to be, others left because of the way the vibe unexpectedly changed. Within 2 hours of the vibe change, there were only 3 people in the house, and those three were Dream, George, Sapnap. 

      When the change happened, Sapnap felt like he knew what happened, and he did. He felt a handful of emotions, but he still wanted to stay until the party was over to talk with the both. When all the noise from all the people talking was over, Sapnap knew it was time to talk to Dream and George. Sapnap began searching. The two males he was searching for were in different rooms. Sapnap didn't know  how to deal with situations like this very well, but he would try his best.

     First, he found George sitting in the kitchen, playing on his phone. Sapnap didn't know where Dream was, but he knew he was still there. "Hey George, what happened? You don't look to happy." Sapnap said, even though he had a good idea about what happened. "Well, Dream said that he liked me, and I declined. I don't know what to do." George said. "Damn. If you want, I can go talk with Dream. I know he's still here." Sapnap offered. "That would be okay." George replied. 

      Sapnap then proceeded to look around the house for Dream. He eventually went through the hallway, and heard something coming from the bathroom. It sounded like crying. Sapnap tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Dream, are you okay? I know what happened, and I'm here to make you feel better." Sapnap said calmly. It took a second for there to be response from the other side of the door, though eventually there was a reply. "I-I'm fine. Just leave me alone." Dream replied. Sapnap could hear the sadness in his voice, and it made Sapnap feel upset too. "Dream, please unlock the door." Sapnap said, with empathy in his voice. There was no reply. Sapnap kept trying. He felt the urge to keep trying. "Dream, please." Sapnap said. There was a small click, indicating Dream had unlocked the door. Sapnap was surprised that Dream had actually unlocked the door, but that wasn't a bad thing. Sapnap opened the door, to find his friend standing with his arms on the counter to hold him up. Sapnap couldn't see his face, but he could hear noises of sadness. Sapnap went over, and gave Dream a hug. He could feel that Dream was still sad, but was appreciative of the support. Sapnap liked hugs. A lot. This made Sapnap feel comfortable, even though there was a sad and upsetting vibe in the room and throughout the house. Sapnap didn't want to let go, though he knew it would eventually happen. The two were quiet, but felt a little bit better. 

      Even though Sapnap said he would talk to Dream, he just wanted to sit there and hug him. It made Sapnap feel like he was in his happy place when hugging Dream. It put him at ease. Dream also didn't want Sapnap to let go. He was enjoying it. They were quiet for around 5 minutes before one of them spoke up. "So, what did you want.." Dream stated quietly. "I wanted to make you feel better." Sapnap said, though was muffled, as his head was dug into Dream's back. It went quiet again. Though, after a few moments Sapnap spoke again. "I had an experience like this back in 6th grade. I was upset for like, a week." Sapnap said, with a small laugh afterwards. Dream let out a very small laugh at the small, short story. In Dream's mind, he knew that he would get over this after a week or two, but he knew until then, he would feel upset. Dream had never had an experience like this, so he didn't know how to cope with it. But Dream knew that Sapnap would help him feel better, and that Dream and George would both forget this had even happened in the first place. Dream had already realized this a while ago, but he really knew it now. He knew that Sapnap was the missing puzzle piece. Without Sapnap, where would Dream and George have been at that very moment? Anywhere could have been a possibility. 

     Sapnap and Dream began talking in the bathroom about things, to try to pass the time, and change the mood. It was working pretty well, but nobody would know how the next day would go, as it would be a Monday. Sapnap eventually went home from George's house, and went to bed. He was tired after the long day. He feel asleep.

That's it for todays chapter. I hope that you all enjoyed it. There were 969 (Nice) words in this chapter. Please join my Discord. I will post updates about the story on there, like delays and early chapters. I would appreciate it. Here's the link: Well, I hope that you all have a good day/night. -Elle

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