Chapter 13

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No Ones POV

      The school day went by like every other day, except for the fact that Sapnap had a good feeling. And when the dismissal bell rang, Sapnap got even more excited. He nearly jumped out of his shoes, he was so excited. He immediately grabbed his things, and got onto the bus. He ran so quickly, he ended up being the first one on the bus. he sat in his regular seat, and anticipated going home. 

     From all the excitement, the bus ride seemed to last forever. He impatiently waited for the bus to arrive at his house. After what seemed like an hour, the bus finally stopped at his house. He jumped up, and got off the bus to enter his home. 

     Sapnap put his school things in his bedroom after he got into the house. He bounced off the walls, waiting to see Dream's car pull up. He saw the lime green car pull up in no time. Sapnap ran out the front door to see Dream. He opened the passenger door, and almost yelled, "Hey Dream! How are you today?" "Oh, I'm doing fine. How about you?" Dream said while laughing at how excited to shorter male was. "Oh, I'm doing good." Sapnap said as he finished putting on the seat belt. 

     The two spent the entire car ride talking and laughing. The vibe in the car was extremely positive. You would be able to feel the happiness and excitement if you were to enter the car. The car ride went by very fast. Once they pulled up to Dream's house, they got out of the car and went inside. 

     "So, what do you wanna do, Sap?" Dream asked Sapnap as they entered the building. "Oh, I don't know. Also, is there any chance I can get your number? I've been wanting it for a while now." Sapnap replied. "Oh, sure. Here, let me put it on your contact list." Dream said. Sapnap gave Dream his phone, and Dream entered his number. "Thanks, Dream." Sapnap said as Dream handed him his phone back. 

     They spent the rest of the day doing random things, and Sapnap ended up staying until 8:32PM. Tired, the boy requested to go home. And so, Dream drove Sapnap to Sapnap's house to drop him off. Though on the way to Sapnap's house, there was some construction. The construction ended up causing some delays, and they were stuck on the road for at least 10 minutes. "Oh, sorry about the construction. I didn't know anything was going on out here." Dream said as they saw what was going on, "Do you wanna turn around, and you spend the night at my house?" Dream said. "Oh, sure. That's probably better than sitting through this traffic!" Sapnap replied. 

     Dream then turned the car around before any traffic could build up behind them, then they went back to Dream's house. "Hey, thanks for letting me stay at your place." Sapnap said on the way to Dream's house. "Oh, it's not a problem." Dream replied.

     The car ride back to Dream's house was a little awkward. Though, it was quick. Once they returned to the house, they got out of the car and entered the house. They did the same thing they did last time Sapnap stayed the night. Dream would provide Sapnap with clothes and food, and Sapnap would be thankful. The two went to bed on Dream's queen size mattress.

     In the morning, they woke up and got ready.  They were done getting ready just as the bus came around the corner to come pick up Dream. They then got on the bus. The two sat in a seat in the back row, and started talking. They arrived at the school within 2 minutes, because Dream's house is one of the last stops on the bus route. "Wow, we got here quick." Sapnap said as he looked out the window to see where they were. "Mhm. This is normal for me." Dream replied as he analyzed where they were. They got off the bus and walked into the school tomorrow. The two went their separate ways to their lockers, and said their goodbyes. 

     Sapnap realized that he didn't have his things, because he left them at his house. Sapnap's heart started pounding, and he needed a solution, fast. The first thing Sapnap though was to ask Dream if he could borrow some supplies, so Sapnap went and asked Dream. "Hey Dream, I don't have any of my things for school because all my things are at my house. Do you mind if I borrow some books?" Sapnap asked Dream desperately. "Oh, sure. I have a few extra notebooks I don't use anyway." Dream said while grabbing the 2 notebooks. "Thank you so much Dream!" Sapnap said with some relief. 

    Sapnap went to his first class with only a notebook and a pencil, though it was fine because the teacher was passing out worksheet. Almost all the classes were like this, so Sapnap got through the day just fine, and was relieved to hear the dismissal bell. Sapnap than approached Dream with the notebooks. "Hey Dream, do you want these notebooks back?" "Oh no, you can keep them. I don't have any use for them anyways." Dream responded. "Okay, thank you Dream." Sapnap said. "Well, I'll probably call you when I get home, but goodbye for now." Sapnap said as began his walk out to the buses. 

     Sapnap stared out the window for the entire bus ride, because George was still at home, and sick with a fever. The bus ride was quite normal, and Sapnap got home in no time. Sapnap walked into his house after getting off the bus, and began to look for Dream's number in his contact list. He found it and called Dream. It took a few seconds, but Dream picked up the phone. "Hey, Dream." Sapnap said.

Okay, that ends todays chapter. In this chapter, there were 1,075 words. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also, I have important news. I have a Discord server for you all to join. On the server, I will post updates about the story, and I will be able to interact with you all! I'm excited to get to meet some of you. The server still needs a little more work, but for the most part, it's done. Here's the link:  Well, have a good day/night everyone. -Elle

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