Chapter 42 (The End!)

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No Ones POV

     Sapnap didn't really know what to do. He was sitting at home just trying to find something to think about. June was in prison, so he didn't have to worry about her antics, which does release a lot of worry from him. He thought for a little while, and his mind brought up the feelings that he had been experiencing about Dream. He thought long and hard. Could it be a crush? He would think. He just couldn't make up his mind about it. But what he did know, was that he loved the feeling it had and still was giving him. He had been feeling this for so long, and he realized it was time to finally come to a conclusion. 

     Meanwhile, George was busy thinking about how June was really that evil. He didn't think June was bad until she actually did something. It was so surprising to him that he just sat there in shock just thinking about it. But even if he did suspect June was anything like she actually was, he would not have thought that she would try and pull something that bad. She had just seemed so nice at first, but George now knew that it was just her little act. George had decided to maybe start being careful about who he tries to be friends with, as he know knew it could actually end up bad. Dream was right about that. Even before they had met Sapnap, Dream had been warning him that it was not too smart to try and get along with everyone, but if it wasn't for George's generosity, neither of them would have ever even held a single conversation with Sapnap. George just couldn't get over the thoughts filling up his head. 

      Fast forward, it is not the last day of school. Graduation day for some, but just a day leading up to a nice summer vacation for most. The school was full of excitement, and there was something in store for everyone on this day. Even for Dream and Sapnap. 

      Dream was feeling the happy tingly feeling for Sapnap very strong today. It was almost unbearable. Dream was a little earlier than normal, but there was still many students there. But the more important thing, Sapnap wasn't there yet. Treading to Sapnap's locker, Dream then slipped a small note into the locker. It was a short, yet very sweet note. It made Dream's stomach fill up with butterflies as he slipped it in, which was was rare for him to feel that way. Dream could see Sapnap in the distance, about 20 feet away from the schools main entry doors. He ran away to make sure he wasn't spotted by Sapnap in the wild world of students. He had gotten around the corner just in time, as by the time he was around the corner, Sapnap had just entered the school building. Dream's heart fluttered as the school filled up with people. He peeked around the corner, and saw Sapnap open his locker and watch the note fly out. Bending down to pick it up, Sapnap's face turned into darker shade of reds and pinks as he read through the note. Dream's did the same. The bell soon rung and everyone scattered to their classes. 

     A few classes later, it was not Sapnap and Dream's shared break period. Rushing down the hallway, Dream ran to the library. It was usually empty around this time, and that was where the note said to go to. Making sure he got there before Sapnap, Dream looked around. Soon, he heard footsteps coming towards his very position. It was Sapnap. Sapnap's face was a light pink when he had walked in, but when he saw Dream it turned from light pink to a red. It was quite obvious Sapnap was not expecting Dream to be the person standing there. Both were trapped in an awkward silence for a few moments. "So, you actually came.." Dream started. "Yeah I did. I saw the note that you had left earlier. You've been feeling it too I guess.." Sapnap said without making eye contact. "What feeling?" Dream asked. "You know, the tingly happy feeling you get when thinking about a certain someone." Sapnap said. "Oh yeah, the feeling a get around you." Dream said. Sapnap's face got a little more red after Dream said that. "No, it's the feeling I get around you." Sapnap said. An awkward laugh came out of Dream, and it made Sapnap giggle a little bit. "Aww, that was a cute giggle." Dream said without thinking. Their faces both went a little bit red. Another bit of silence followed. "So, I'm going to take it that we both kind of, y'know.. have a crush on one another.." Sapnap said trying to break the silence. Dream nodded. "Is this the part I'm supposed to ask if you'll date me?" Dream asked quietly. "I think so." Sapnap said with a small laugh. "Well, will you be my boyfriend?" Dream asked. "Sapnap immediately looked and made eye contact with Dream. "Oh my gosh, yes!" Sapnap said before running up to give Dream a big hug. Hugging back, Dream mumbled something. "What was that?" Sapnap asked wanting to know what Dream said. "I love you." Dream mumbled a little louder. "Aww, I love you too!" Sapnap said. Neither of them wanted the hug to end, hey just wanted to stay there forever without disturbance, but of course everything must come to an end. The bell rang, and the two had to part to go to there classes, but of course not before they had talked a little more. 

     Soon the last day of school was over, and everyone was happy to be home. Dream, Sapnap, and George had a call. George was extremely supportive of them and hoped that they would have a good relationship. Everyone was happy. 
                                                                           The End               Or Is It..


Writing: Me
Other stuff: Me

Welp, that ends the final chapter of this story. I was thinking that I might make a sequel. If you guys would like that, feel free to tell me in the comments or something. If I am going to make another story or a sequel to this, it will take me some time to get ready to start something new, as writing stories like this is pretty stressful I have learned. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. There were 1,130 words in this chapter. This chapter was so weird to make, as I am not used to writing lovey-dovey stuff like that. Well, have a good day/night, and I'll see you in the next story I make. -Elle

(Note: to anyone who is wonder what had happened to the sequel or what the comments are talking about, I made a sequel but have discontinued it. I made some changes on this chapter to make it work better so you all at least have a full story.)


Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now