Chapter 12

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No Ones POV

      "WILBUR!" Tommy yelled as he opened the door. "What, Tommy.." Wilbur said as he walked into the house. Tommy didn't say anything as he waited for Wilbur to enter the building. Awaiting for an answer, Wilbur repeated his question. "What Tommy?" This time, was said in a more demanding voice. "Wilbur, why did you stop? I thought we did everything together-" Tommy was cut off by Wilbur. "Tommy. You do realize how bad it was. I don't even know why We even started. Plus, I always did the things you wanted me to do because if I didn't, you'd get mad at me!" Wilbur exclaimed. Tommy just stood there, obviously in a thought process. He just stood there staring at a wall, just thinking.

     Tommy must've sat there staring the wall for a good 2 minutes before he even opened his mouth to say something. Wilbur let him think, so he could realize what he did wrong. "I... I'm sorry Wilbur.." Tommy said, obviously feeling extremely guilty. "You shouldn't only be apologizing to me, you should also apologize to Sapnap." Wilbur said. "O-okay. I'll do that tomorrow." Tommy said in an even more guilty voice. He was visibly uncomfortable and guilty, so Wilbur said, "Tommy, I think I should leave. That will give you time to think. Ill see you later, Tommy." Wilbur said before turning around to exit the house. "Bye Wilbur.." Tommy said before Wilbur was gone.

      Meanwhile, Sapnap was still napping. He was comfortable, and was in quite a deep rest. for some reason, all he could think about during his slumber was Dream. He didn't know why, but he for some odd reason, he liked it. He must of been dreaming about him for awhile, because by the time he woke up, it was 10:24PM. He was still very tired when he woke up, and he was also hungry. Sapnap decided that he would be fine if he went to bed without dinner, because he would just eat when he woke up. So, he went back to bed.

     In the morning, Sapnap got oddly excited to go to school to see someone. He was excited to see someone, but he didn't know who it was. He just felt it. So, Sapnap got himself ready for school, and was ready for the bus to pick him up in no time. He was a little early, so he decided to just wait by his front door, and listen to music. About 7 minutes pass, and Sapnap starts to hear the bus pull up to his house. Sapnap opened the door to get onto the bus. Once Sapnap got on the bus, he started his usually routine of waiting for George. He stared out the window, like always. Sapnap still felt the excitement from when he woke up, and he liked the feeling. 

     The bus pulled up to George's house within a few minutes to pick him up, though this time, George wasn't there. As the bus passed his house, Sapna heard a noise come from his phone. It was George texting him. Sapnap immediately unlocked his phone to see the message. He saw the message, and responded. 


Hey Sap, I'm sorry I'm not on the bus 

today. I have a fever. :(

                            7:24 AM

                                                                Oh, It's fine George. Hope ur okay
                                                                                           7:25 AM

     Sapnap was a little upset that George was sick, but he knew they would both be fine. This barely affected Sapnap's excitement. Sapnap just stared out the window for the rest of the bus ride.  He just sat there, without any thoughts. He just stared out the window until the bus stopped at the school. As Sapnap stood up to get off the bus, he began addressing thoughts about why he felt so excited. He couldn't come up with a single reason, until he saw Dream, who was about 20 ft away from him. Sapnap felt the urge to go to Dream, so he did. Sapnap ran up to Dream. "Hey Dream!" Sapnap exclaimed as he got closer to Dream. "Oh, hey Sap. Where's George at? He's usually with you." Dream said as he walked with Sapnap. "Oh, he's sick today. He told me via text messages." "Oh, okay. How are you?" Dream said. "I'm doing fine. How about you, Dream?" Sapnap replied. "I'm good." Dream said. 

     Sapnap felt his heart beat with even more excitement. He now knew why he was excited. He wanted to see Dream. Sapnap didn't want to leave Dream's side. He just wanted to talk with him forever. Sapnap just felt happy. Dream sensed that Sapnap was happy just through the vibe around them, and he was happy because Sapnap was happy. "Dream, are you busy this afternoon?" Sapnap asked Dream as they took their first steps of the day into the school building. "Oh, no, I'm free. Did you want to hang out later today?" Dream replied. "Oh, yeah. That'd be nice if we could hang out later." Sapnap happily said. "Alright Sap, I'll see you later." Dream said before heading to his locker. "Oh, bye Dream!" Sapnap said before opening his locker to put his things away. Sapnap was happy that Dream and him could have a good conversation before a long, boring school day. 


Dream's POV

     I'm pretty excited to hang out with Sapnap later. I could tell he as really happy while talking to me. Well, at least way happier that normal. I don't know why, but I liked that. It made me happy that he was happy. I can't believe that I didn't trust him when I first met him! It makes me mad that I first thought he was just another weird guy that George wanted me to be friends with. I'm just thankful that I got along with Sapnap. 

     I'm pretty sure that history assignment is due today. We got it done already, so we should be okay. I'm already pretty hyped to see Sapnap after school. I really just enjoy being around him, and no one else. It makes me happy. Oh, I just realized Sapnap doesn't have my number. I should give it to him after school. 

     Okay, I just finished putting my things in my locker. I should probably get to class. 

Sapnap's POV

     I'm so happy I get to hang out with Dream later. I think he's happy too, but I don't really know. I wonder when I'll get Dream's number. I'll probably ask him for it later. Well, I should probably get to class now. 

No Ones POV

     And so the school day went by normally. Both Sapnap and Dream were excited to meet up in the afternoon. The school day felt long but quick at the exact same time. Though, it was not a bad day at all, and Sapnap was finally starting to feel happy.

Okay, that will end today's chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed. There were 1,209 words in this chapter. I'd just really like to thank you all for the votes and nice comments. It helps motivate me to post more chapters. Also, I'm genuinely in shock right now, 1.2k reads! The fact that we've hit that many reads also helps motivate me. Well, have a good day/night everyone. -Elle

Opposites - A Dreamnap Story - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now