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"You should apologise to this lady here," Oikawa spoke.

"Thank you, Mr Oikawa. It's alright..." I speak and later turn to the waiter.

"Oh no, you spilt some sauce on your hoodie..." Marie loudly whispered. I slightly signed.

"Oh yes, you did," Oikawa spoke. I shook my head and signalled it was fine and not a big deal.

I unzip my hoodie since now it looked ugly and wrapped on my waist. I went ahead to keeping the supply boxes.

The waiter talked to Marie. "Oh yes, you must be from Glace. Thank you for the supplies."

Both Marie and I went ahead and thanked the buffet staff for choosing us.

Nonetheless, Oikawa kept standing, observing the interaction.

"I've never been a fan of salad, honestly." He spoke.

"You might like these," I spoke.

"why?" He asked. What wtf he means by why gosh

"Umm, cause..." I try to find an answer.

"Well, if it's your recipe, maybe I might will..." his tone was flirtatious.

I just awkwardly smile.

Marie finished talking to the manager and headed my way.

"Let's go y/n... shall we?" She askes, later eyeing Oikawa. Even she felt a bit intimated around him. He was definitely a very good looking boy.

I nod to Marie and try to walk away.

"Thank you for helping me. Hope you enjoy the salads," I greet.

"I promise." He gives a smile. I try to walk towards the before, but he stopped me.

"Y/n..." He calls out. I turn. I walk towards him a little while Marie waited near the door.

"Have my jacket. It's cold outside." He says. I tried to say it wasn't necessary, but it was too late. He was quick. He quickly put his jersey's jacket around my shoulders.

He chuckled a little. "Looks better on you than me."

"Uh...thanks, Oikawa.." I say.

"Call me Tooru..." He clarifies.

"Tooru," I repeat.

"Anyway, see ya...in", He greets and later walks off. Honestly, now I just found him confusing.


Slowly we head back to the truck.

"You can go ahead and get back home. Thanks for helping me out." Marie says, then hugs me.

I notice something was wrong with her. She looked exhausted.

"It's my daughter." She spoke first. My eyes frowned.

"She is refusing to go to school. And work got me exhausted. 2 jobs and community college." She reveals. I hug her again. Marie was literally my inspiration. Being a young single mother and working 2 jobs and also college was not easy. I cannot imagine how easy I have it.

"Marie, you could have told me earlier. Thought you quit the other job." I say.

"it's alright, and it's just exhausting when Rei is home during my workdays. I cannot keep up with the deadlines for school..." She reveals.

"Marie cmon...just let me know. I'll spend time with her whenever I can." I say

"No, you also have tons of work." She reveals.

"Don't worry..." I say. I loved children. In fact, I wanted to be a child nutritionist. Children are mysteries, and I love mysteries. Every child is unique, and it always been a dream to work with children's development.

"I got you," I say later.

Marie nods with a wide smile with few tears near the corner of her eyes.

"I'll let you know when I need her to get a babysitter. Is that okay?" Marie says. I nod

"Okay, now off you go, rest plenty and study well." She continued. I hug her one last time before I leave.

I wave her bye and head home.

I grab something to eat and later sit down to study. I waited for an internship.

I got rejected for 4 internships—nothing for child nutrition. I was sad.

I looked for more internships near the field I wanted to work in, but nothing came up in my job profile. No requests. I frowned a little.

I applied for various organisations, including a sports one. I knew I wouldn't get in the sports one cause I have 0 experience in anything sports-related. I worked mostly with children and the elderly. I had no idea how sports nutrition worked. I also knew it wasn't for me.

I clicked the new email, and it revealed I got rejected there too. All hopes were lost. I slouch my head on the table and sign. Guess I'll be unemployed forever.

I had 2 more emails for confirmation—one for volunteer work and a sports nutritionist consultancy group. I hoped I get the volunteer work one. With that, I shut my laptop.

Exhausted, I try taking a shower. I realised I was still wearing the hoodie given by Oikawa.

As I turned it around, I realised the jacket jersey shirt said.

Oikawa Argentina #1.

Slowly the realisation hit, its the Argentinian team's buffet.

As I was processing that information. I saw my phone in the blink....

Email notification.

"Your internship application has been accepted. We are delighted for you to join our Sports Consultancy...."

Sports? Sp-sports?!?

Before I could breathe...

Twitter notification News Suggestion.

"Two high school opponents now World Cup Opponents: But first lemme take a selfie. Twitter is going crazy.."

Ushijima vs Oikawa

Japan vs Argentina

Under 25 Finals

Under 25 Finals

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I think I am going to die....... everything is a mess

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