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"What happened after that?" Marie asked. I stumbled to answer, but I had to give it away.

"He bid me farewell. We hugged for a few minutes. It was sweet. He left for the airport after a few minutes. I couldn't say much... he stayed stoic regardless. " I replied.

I hum sadly.

"Are you okay, though, y/n?" Marie was concerned.

"I am fine. He is probably have forgotten about me by now." I say, although I wanted to doubt myself.

"You declare yourself unimportant in the most unfit circumstances," Marie reveals. I nod slightly.

"I just don't want you to hold yourself back on a silly promise made by some tall dude..." Marie reveals. I chuckle.

"Of course not. The reason I am not seeing anyone right now is because of my work, career...etc." I reply. Maybe I was lying, but I wasn't sure.

"Oh right...my bad. So tell me, how's work going?" Marie asks.

"Awesome, honestly. I might be relocating soon and work as a professional nutritionist soon...I still cannot be a child nutritionist without a few years of professional experience in other areas, so I am stalling.." I reply

"You will be an awesome child nutritionist y/n, hang in there. Work hard." Marie encourages me.

I smile. "I shall... I miss you, Marie. I cannot wait to see you soon," I reply.

"I miss you too, my love. I talked to Boss the other day, and he misses us for sure." Marie recalls.

I smile widely, " I miss him too. I'll drop him a call soon. I am glad the shop is doing well. Plus, I am so glad you found someone. Hows France so far?" I ask.

"It's alright; I am still learning the small stuff. Satori is really nice to me. " She replies.

"Does...does he know about umm me and..." I ask Marie.

"No, I didn't bother to share details about you with him. He and Ushijima rarely talk. Apparently, Ushijima is really busy and has changed a lot in the past few years. He is very much focused on his career...That's why when I realised Satori's friend and your mysterious night man is the same person. I couldn't wait but call. I was worried. I was relieved to hear that Ushijima is a good guy from both of you. Regardless I was still worried..." Marie explains.

"Thanks, Marie. I want to leave the past behind. It hasn't been too kind to me. I wish Ushijima, wherever he is, all the luck. I don't think I am ready to face him again. I doubt I ever will. We both are in different dimensions. He is way too famous for my own good right now." I explain.

"Why do you say that?" Marie asks.

"You know I hate attention. Plus, he is probably at the height of a career. I don't think he will bother to remember an insignificant night. Who knows he must have had... other girls-" I spoke, but Marie broke me off.

"Shush... first of all, y/n you are amazing, it would take a lot for someone to forget you. Second, we both know he isn't like that. Yet, I am just curious why he never thought to contact you." Marie wondered. I softly nodded with sadness in my eyes because I didn't know either.

"Maybe I just added to his distraction...but who am I kidding? I still don't feel important enough. It's not his fault.." I reply.

"I disagree. Maybe he didn't try enough to make you feel important enough. I don't really care about the details, though. I know you deserve to be happy now. It will take time to heal." Marie replies. I kept my frown.

"Anyway, if it makes you feel better. We are planning to relocate to Japan for a few years, and I think..." Marie blushes as she touches her belly. I narrow my eyes...

"Marie, NO WAY..." I say.

"Yes," She replies gleefully.

"Rei going to have a baby brother or sister..." Marie replies.

"I am soooo happy for you. OMG, I am going to cry...." I say.

"Hahaha, don't cry..." Marie replies.

"Congratulations. No seriously. I am so so happy for you.." I reply.

"Thank you y/n. Thank you for babysitting Rei all these years as well. " Marie says.

"I cannot wait to babysit this one either. I am excited. Say hello to Satori for me." I reply.

"I shall. Anyways, I gtg. Rei is back from school. I shall text you later, okay. I hope you feel better love. I am sorry I couldn't come to your mother's funeral. I hope to meet you soon. I love you. I am here for you." Marie replies.

"It's okay. I am doing much better since yesterday. Slowly accepting reality. Thank you for everything, Marie. " I say.

"Anytime, bestie," Marie replies, with a little virtual hug. We disconnect the call.

With that, I softly wipe my tears. It was mixed with happiness and little sadness. For some reason, this past week, I missed him. All the memories resurfaced. Did he remember me? Was I important enough? Was everything a fluke?

With my mother passing last month. Everything I felt was heightened. Nonetheless, once again. I fought. I knew from the beginning I was meant to be alone. But to be this alone? I never thought it was possible.

I thought to check my email. I realised I needed to go to the office tomorrow. I've been accepted for a new work project.

The email spoke about how my work shall be relocated. But before that, I needed to train under the athletic trainer Takashi Utsui and learn how to sync diet with physical activity in an intense environment. I needed his recommendation before I land a proper job at my new relocated work.

With that, I prepared my reports and resume.

Suddenly, I got an email from Takashi Utsui

His email was kind.

"Dear Y/n, I am glad we shall be working together for 3 weeks. I will see you in California soon. I hope you bring your reports on previous experience so I can evaluate them before I assign you more work. Thank you for joining us. Good day...

Utsui Takashi"

I smile and felt hopeful. 

With that, I went to bed. Slowly embracing the long-held sleep. Unsurprised, I dreamt of him once again. I felt lonely and it seemed like only his warmth was the antidote to my emptiness.

 I felt lonely and it seemed like only his warmth was the antidote to my emptiness

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