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I looked at Kuroo. Gulping little, I left to meet Kenma. He looked a little irritated to see Kuroo was well.

I shook Kenma's hand, and he smiled a professional smile at me. 

Everyone at the party was wondering what exactly he was doing here. It's not like he wasn't invited, but I assume he has always been busy keeping up with his friends.

Kuroo stepped in. 

"Kenma", He mentions

"Kuroo", He repeats.

My eyes shifted to Ushijima, who looked suspicious. I avoided his gaze out of nervousness out of what happened earlier.

"there there..." Fuku tried to diffuse the tension.

"I am here to discuss about the spons-" Kenma tried to speak. Fuku covered his mouth.

"Not here Kenma..." Fuku warned Kenma. 

Everyone looked confused. Kenma just nodded and went on to greet others.

Kuroo just looked away.

"Always taking his sweet time", Kuroo huffed.

As Kenma talked to others, Ushijima suspicion grew. I tried to stay calm as possible, but I cannot deny that everyone was curious why Kenma suddenly appeared when he was the busiest.

I see Fuku being pulled aside by Tanaka and Yamamoto. 

I hear whispers.

"What made you think it was a good idea to ask Kenma to be here when you know Kuroo will be here...".

Fuku looked nervous.

"They want to patch up...what other day is best than today for this.." Fuku hesitantly spoke. Although it was a lie, and Tanaka and Yamamoto refused to believe it. They gave Fuku's statement a shot. 

As I was distracted from eavesdropping. I see Fuku turning towards me and asking me to "shush". I nodded. I knew he didn't want me to spill anything for now for personal reasons. Kuroo, Tiph and I realised that it wasn't a good idea to tell the team. We haven't finalised our menu and diet yet for them. I want them to play stress-free. 

I quickly meet the people with who I was meant to discuss the matter.

"nice to see you not bailing on us this time." Kuroo spoke to Kenma.

Kenma's face was unbothered.

"You're the one talking?" Kenma was agitated.

"Do you even know how is she doing?" Kenma asked Kuroo. Kuroo just huffed again.

"I don't know. I don't go to see her." Kuroo reveals.

"Liar." Kenma got angry. Tiph and I were confused.

"She is okay Kenma, she is getting better according to doctors." Fuku intervenes. Kuroo's eyes softened. 

"She will be with us soon." Fuku's voice broke a little.

Kenma nods.

Kuroo turned his face away. I saw tiny droplets on his face.

"I don't care if she---" Kuroo tried to speak. Kenma rushed in and clutched Kuroo's collars.

"Kenma leave him...Kenma.." Fuku yelled. I got scared. I rushed in, holding Kenma.

Kuroo was startled. 

"You keep her name off your mouth if you going to behave like that. After all she has done for you. You have not an ounce of ...love..." Kenma said. 

Sweet Tooth [Ushijima x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now