73: Epilogue

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"You should have seen Tendou's face, he was horrified!" Marie was laughing.

"It's not always when an entire national volleyball team is with you while you're delivering a baby at the airport, you know?" Kyla says while fixing her wedding dress.

After Ushijima came to the airport to stop us, a few minutes later Marie's water broke. That day, Marie gave birth in the airport. It was big chaos for everyone. Marie feels definitely badass since that day.

"I cannot believe Iwa asked you to marry just after Marie gave birth. What an odd timing...." Tiph giggled.

Kyle chuckled.

"Hey at least, that ended up stopping all of you boarding a flight, and Kuroo pushing the return tickets to next month. Hope definitely had a dramatic entrance to this world..." Kiyoko exclaimed.

I laughed as I helped Marie's new baby, "Hope".

Hope did her little yawns while I caressed her to sleep. As I softly placed Hope on the stroller, I saw Ushijima looking at me with adoration and nervousness. I softly smiled at him back, not knowing what he thought cause he often did that.

Kyla was ready to walk down the aisle.

Oikawa came running to the room where all the girls were at.

"Yall ready? Iwa might faint if Kyla takes one second longer. This dude wanna get married real bad.." Oikawa poked fun.

Kyla suddenly gulps.

"Oikawa stop...you're making Kyla nervous in return...." Alisa yells.

"Ok ok sorry...yeah what I am trynna say, everyone is ready and waiting...you all should hurry up and wait in the alter. Kyla you're dad is waiting for you as well.." Oikawa exclaimed. He did his "best-man" duties well.

I softly hug Kyla.

"It's okay. Just focus on his eyes. Don't cry...you'll ruin your make up.." I tell Kyla as she nods, breathing heavily.

I kissed her cheek, and the rest of the girls followed, giving words of encouragement.

The boys waited for us. Kyla chose me as her maid of honour...along with the other girls. I quickly walk in front, Ushijima softly waiting for me at the corner.

He wore a navy blue suit, while I wore a soft whitish-pink floral dress.

"Ready?" he asked, forwarding his arm as he was also supposed to stand behind Iwa and Oikawa.

I nodded with a smile. He quickly adjusted my little floral hair-crown that was part of my dress.

"You look beautiful ..." He said. I softly blushed, clutching his arm tighter.

As we walked, we heard whispers from some guests. Ushijima has become a celebrity of his own. And standing beside him made me feel I had more responsibilities than before.

Nonetheless, he carried my weight effortlessly.

We finally reached the altar, and after a few mins rest followed.

When Kyla entered, I could see Iwa in minor tears. Ushijima and Oikawa patted his back.

I softly looked at Ushijima, and he did the same. I had an anxious feeling about our future. I wonder what he thought of me.

He looked away while keeping me in waiting. I felt a little disappointed. His gaze looked nervous and unsettling.

My disappointment was rooted because I knew that moment I wanted to be his wife. I wanted him.

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