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somewhere during practice:

"Hinata where is Ushijima....?" Bailey comes running. He was out of breath.

"What happened?" Ushijima came out with his stoic face.

"Bailey-san? Why are you out of breath?" Sakusa enters the conversation.

"y/n...We haven't heard from since yesterday...." Bailey talks out of his breath.

"I was..wonde..ring if you guys have seen her? She hasn't showed up for work. She is always punctual, I am worried. ...." Bailey reveals.

Ushijima eyes narrowed. He wasn't in contact with y/n. He got busy with the practice ever since.

Rin came out randomly, and his voice was a little worried.

"I think I saw her last time talking to the Thain person from Zeldian team...." Rin revealed.

"WHAT!?" The entire team exclaimed.

"What why?" Rin was confused.

"He is a fucking creep." Kageyama spoke. Yaku nodded.

"I wasn't sure but I think they talked brief. I was running late for my train so I couldn't butt in.." Rin tried to explain, looking at Ushijima.

"Baseless confidence..." Ushijima spoke. Hinata stood up like a scared cat.

"Baseless confidence on anything. I abhor it. I hate it." Ushijima looked like he was talking to himself.

"Was she troubled that Zeldians got into semi-finals..." Bokuto asked.

"She isn't like that...she would have come and talk to us to clear doubts. Something is wrong...." Aran spoke.

Ushijima exactly knew what was wrong. His heart raced.

Ushijima ran out of the door.

"Oi Wakatoshi, where you going?" Miya asked.

Ushijima turned. His face was enough to answer Miya. Everyone in the team knew he adored y/n, more than he himself rationalised. Y/n is the one who made him human, who made Ushijima reconcile with his team more than just a team. Ushijima cherished the memories with her, which gave him enough warmth to carry on. Two innocent souls troubled to navigate in the midst of evil, chaotic world.


Ushijima called the phone of yn but no response.

Ushijima called Tiphanie. She said she didn't know where yn is.

He tried all options to find yn. She was nowhere to find.

He had no choice...his heart was in a panic. He needed his best friend.

He calls....



My heartfelt like it was about to come into my mouth. My trauma was coming back. When I went missing, I was afraid to face the world. The world was cruel already.

I couldn't leave my room. I spent few months in my car homeless. I lost everything. Money, home, comfort, my mother. Him.

I thought to myself, who would even want a broken girl. Maybe Ushijima loves me for the stable person I am now. Would he still feel the same when I had panic attacks every time someone mentioned my mother's death? The hate she got.

Was I to blame? Should I've stopped her? Asked her to stop working and stay with me? Did my own independence kill her and several others? I will never know the answers. It took me 3 years to stop blaming myself.

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