chapter 59

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Andrew cursed when he stepped outside from the restaurant . It started raining pretty hard and everyone was runing trying not to get wet .

He pulled his jacket on top of his head and ran to his car . Opening the door quickly he got in and then took a deep breath .

He started the car and drove away . He was in his way to the Styles' mansion when he saw a blond girl wearing a black coat standing by a bus stop all alone .

When he drove closer . He realized it was Emma . He frowned and wondered what she was doing there all alone . It's way too late and it's getting dark .

He wondered if he should stop for her and just drive away . But in the end decided to pull over next to her . He pulled the window down and called her name .

"What are you doing here ? " , Emma said trying to hide from the rain . "I should be the one asking you that . Get in " , He said .

"No way . I'm not going anywhere with you " , Emma spoke crossing her arms against her chest . Andrew sighed and said "Fine then . I just wanted to give you a ride but whatever " .

Emma rolled her eyes and then looked around . It was getting pretty dark . She doubted that the bus will come at this time and in this weather .

She sighed and then ran to Andrew's car . Getting on the other side . She closed the door behind her and then looked at him and he had a smirk on his face .

"I though you said you're not going anywhere with me " , He said amused . "Shut up" . She huffed and he laughed a little .

He started driving and it was very silent between them . Andrew looked at Emma and then back at the road and said "Listen , i think we started off on the wrong foot . And i think i was very rude to you that day and i very much like to apologize . I hope we can start again " .

Emma looked at him and nodded " well i was very rude to you too but i mean you did ruin my shirt with that coffee  " .

Andrew rolled his eyes and she added "But i would love to start over " . Andrew smiled and took his eyes off the road to look at her .

"Good . " He said and Emma smiled back . She suddenly reached her hand out for him to shake it wich he did quickly taking his hand back on the steering wheel .

"Hello . My name is Emma Stone " Emma said with a small smile . Andrew laughed and said "Hello miss Stone  My name is Andrew Garfield and it's very nice to meet you ". 

Emma stared at him for a moment surprised that he actually can be nice . She shook her head and laughed .

Soon he was pulling over next to where she lives . Before she can get out Andrew said "Listen.If you're free tomorrow maybe we can go get some coffee " .

Emma raised her eye brown and said "Are you asking me out ? "  . Andrew sighed and said "Yes I am . So yes or No ? " .

"Maybe " , She smirked and got out of the car leaving Andrew surprised . What is that supposed to mean ? . He thought .

Emma ran inside smiling to herself . She wants to go meet him tomorrow but she just wanted to mess with his head . Harry must have his number . She thought . 

She first went to her flat . She threw her stuff on the couch and got out . She ran upstairs to where Taylor lives to tell her about what happened . She knocked on the door and waited .

It took some time untill it was opened but to her surprise it was Lucy who opened the door . Emma stepped inside and kissed her cheek .

"Where's mommy , Honey ? " . Emma asked helping Lucy get down from the chair she was standing on to open the door because she was so small .

"She's in her room " , Lucy said and then ran back to the living room to watch TV . Spongebob to be exact .

Emma shook her head and then walked to Taylor's room that was closed . She didn't bother to knock because she knows Taylor could be folding clothes or cleaning but when she opened the door she first saw something moving under the blankets .

She was shocked when the blanket came off Harry and Taylor's heads . Emma put her hand on her mouth when she realized what was happening . She should have got out . stepped outside but she was too shocked to move .

Harry turned his head to the side and screamed when he saw Emma standing there with wide eyes .

He pulled the blanket over him and fell to the other side of the bed .Taylor gasped and then covered herself too .

"I'm sorry . I'm sorry ... Oh my God . Ew !  ... Sorry"  . Emma said real quick finally getting out of the room .

Taylor covered he face as her cheeks reddened . Harry lifted his head and then laughed . "Well that was awkward "  .

Taylor glared at him and then started hitting his arm over and over again . "I told you we shouldn't be doing this here . I told you " . She spoke still hitting him . 

Harry laughed and then grabbed her wrists and kissed her lips . She fought him at first but he didn't stop untill she kissed back .

Pulling away she sighed and sat on the bed pulling the covers over her body . "Where's my shirt ? " . She said looking around the room for her shirt that Harry had thrown away earlier .

She spotted it and she quickly climbed out of the bed giving Harry the perfect view of her body . She put it on and then put on her pants .

She looked back at Harry was still in bed biting his lip while staring at her . She walked to him and kissed him long and hot still bothered and wanting him .

"We'll finish this later " . She smirked and then walked out of the room to see Emma sitting with Lucy on the couch .

"Uh ... Hi Em " , Taylor waved with a goofy smile . Emma looked at her for a moment before she burst out laughing .

"I can't belive i just walked in on that "  , Emma laughed but stopped when Taylor glared at her . Knowing that Lucy was right there next to her .

"You can go back if you're not finished yet " . Emma said with a smirk . "Emmaaa stop" , Taylor whined as she sat down and pulled Lucy in her lap who was too distracted by TV .

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