chapter 49

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  "Wh-what did you just say ? "  Taylor said with confusion written all over her face , Harry sighed and then looked down at his lap and said "They aren't my real parents Taylor " .

Taylor stared at him for a moment , still in disbelieve , Harry lifted his head and looked at her , "I was adopted when i was only 3 or 4 months old  , But as i grew up i never knew that , They didn't tell me ...Until i was 16 , before we moved here to America , I came home early one day and i heard them talking , At first i didn't pay attention to it until i heard my name , I stood by the door and listened to what they were saying , And it didn't take me long to figure it out , They were talking about my ... My r-real parents ... " .

Taylor slowly took his hand in hers and ran her thumb over the back of it , "Do they know ? that you know ? " , She asked in a soft voice .

Harry shook his head before saying :"No they don't " , "You didn't tell anyone ? no one ? " She asked again .

"The only person who knows is Andrew , I told him right when i found out and he was there for me through that time ... No one esle" He said keeping his gaze on her .

Taylor looked down and said after a moment "I'm so sorry Harry " "For what ? " He asked making her look at him .

"for having to go through that , It must have been extremely difficult for you  to cope with something like that " She said looking into his eyes , Harry smiled just a little and said "Kind of , I mean yes it was hard but i... i don't know they always treated me like their own son , their real son , It was hard at first but as time passed i got to cope with it , everything got back to normal " .

"Did you ever look for your real parents ? " , Taylor asked .

Harry took a moment to answer , "Yes i did , But i didn't find anything , All that i knew is that they left me in the hospital ever since i was born and no one ever saw them after that "  .

"I think i know how it feels , To be left by someone who is supposed to always be there for you " She said looking down at their hands .

Harry looked at her and realized what she meant , " But Zac didn't choose to leave you Taylor ... " , He said making Taylor look at him , "my parents chose to leave me , They wanted to , with their own will  , That's different " 

"Yeah , y-you're right " She said putting a piece of her hair behind her ear , "But Harry that still doesn't mean Anne isn't your mother , Even if she didn't give birth to you , she gave you all of the things you didn't get from your real mother " .

Harry sighed and smiled a little and said still looking at her "She came here , Called you the worst names , Accused you of things you didn't do , Disrespected you and you are still defending her ? " .

Taylor smiled a little and said "But it's true Harry , She is still your mother " ,  "You always amaze me Taylor swift , Sometimes i think you're too good to exist but you're here , And you're real , And you're mine " , Harry said storking her cheek , Taylor blushed a little at his last word "Mine " .

He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against hers in a sweet kiss , Pulling away Taylor whined wanting more .

Harry laughed and said "But i'm ill and i don't want you to get sick too " , Taylor sighed and rested her chin on his shoulder and kissed his cheek "I love you Harry " .

 Harry smiled and put his arm around her pulling them both down on bed , He pulled the covers over them and kissed her forehead .

"Mommy ? " They heared a small voice from the doorway , Taylor lifted her head and looked at Lucy "Yes honey ? " .

"I don't feel good "  Lucy said before coughing , Harry frowned at her and Taylor pulled the covers down , She climbed off the bed and walked to Lucy . 

Kneeling down in front of her daughter , she put a small piece of her hair behind her ear saying "What hurts baby ? " 

Lucy put her hand on her forehead and said "My head " , Taylor kissed her forehead and then lifted her up .

She walked back to the bed and laid her down next to Harry who snuggled her closer to him , Taylor lay down next to Lucy who was between her and Harry .

Pressing a small kiss to the back of her head she whispered "Try to sleep a little baby , You'll feel better when you wake up" , Lucy nodded and closed her eyes .

She rolled over so that she was facing Harry , Harry smiled and put his arm around her small body and pressed small kisses on her forehead .

Taylor smiled seeing them like that , Harry would be so good as a father , He was so nice and loving , And Lucy loved him so much , She always tells her mother to call him and tell him to come .

If it was stranger looking at them , He would actually think that Harry really was Lucy's father .

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