chapter 92

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Taylor stood on the small round platform that was in the middle of the room, facing the mirror. She was dressed in a long, luxurious wedding dress, fitting her perfectly.

She, her mother who flew from Nashville and Anne and Emma were shopping for a wedding dress for the upcoming wedding of her and Harry. They weren't planning on it happening too soon but had to After Harry's father asked them to a couple of weeks ago.


Taylor held Mr.Styles' hand, she was sitting on a chair next to his bed and Harry sitting on the edge of the bed.

He had called them over to have a word with them. Harry already knew what he was about to say but Taylor didn't.

"I need you to promise me something, both of you", He spoke looking between Harry and Taylor, Taylor nodded her head for him to continue. He squeezed her hand and said:" I am not going to be here long, I don't have much time left... And I am Okay with that, It's the way life works, People come and people go. You see, I have lived my life. I have traveled the world and learned about many cultures, I have made all of my dreams come true. I have had my fair share of Life and Now It's time for me to leave".

Taylor smiled sympathetically as she looked at Harry then back at his father. "However, There is one thing left for me to do before I leave, I want to see my son waiting down the aisle for the woman who is going to spend the rest of her life with", He spoke with a small smile at Taylor. Taylor blushed and looked down before biting her bottom lip. She looked up at Harry and he had a small smile on his face as well.

"Taylor, I have lived with this man for years and I can assure you, I have never seen him as happy as he is with you. I know he can be a pain sometimes", He and Taylor laughed as Harry rolled his eyes.

"But Trust me, He has the biggest heart and He loves you so much my dear", He added and Taylor took a deep breath, Her cheeks in shades of pink now.

She could feel Harry looking at her but she didn't want to look back because she was sure if she did, Tears would be running down her cheeks, She always knew Harry loved her but hearing it from other people, telling her how happy she makes him and how much he's in love with her is different. And It warmed her heart.

"I Know you two are head over heels for each other and I don't see the reason why you still aren't married yet. Promise me, Promise that I'll get to see you too down that aisle, writing a new chapter in your story... Promise me that I'll get to see my son in his greatest day and look at him like any proud father does".

Taylor held his hand with both of hers, she looked at Harry and saw a small tear rolling down his cheek. She looked back at Mr.Styles and said with a soft, low voice:" We promise".

End of flashback.

So there she was, standing in a nice wedding dress looking at herself in the mirror to see a moment she never thought would occur to her again.

She turned around and Emma was already holding up her phone and taking a million picture while Andrea has a tear rolling down her cheek and Anne was wearing the biggest smile.

Taylor stepped down and walked to her mother who was sitting on the couch, She sat down next to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm proud of you honey, You've come a long way and you deserve this", Andrea said rubbing Taylor's back. Taylor hid her face in her mother's shoulder. She could feel the tears threatening to fall and she wanted so bad to stop them but she couldn't.

"I Love you, Mom", She cried and Andrea hugged her tighter. Emma and Anne watched them with the sweetest smiles on their faces. But Emma, being herself quickly took a picture of the scene and then put her phone down before joining them in the hug with a sigh making both Andrea and Taylor laugh.

Taylor decided she was going to chose that dress because she loved it more than anything else she saw. Later that day, She went to her weekly appointment with her doctor, Things have been going well, They talked about almost everything, And Taylor felt more comfortable opening up to him more and more every session.

Harry was taking care of Lucy all day since he didn't have a lot of work to do, He took her with him to his office in the morning then spent the rest of the day together at the amusement park.

They arrived home quit late actually, they found Taylor sitting on the couch watching TV. Once she saw them she jumped off the couch and ran to Lucy picking her up.

"Hm, I missed you my baby", She said in a baby voice making Lucy laugh. She quickly started talking about her long day with Harry as Taylor smiled and nodded her head to every word she said. She kissed her forehead and then put her down, she told her to go to her room and she will be right behind her.

Lucy did as told leaving Harry and Taylor alone. Taylor wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her cheek before hugging her around the waist.

"I missed you Today", Taylor said with a muffled voice against his chest. He ran his fingers down her hair and said:" Missed you too babe".

She pulled back and let her finger slowly trace his lips. "I haven't kissed you all day long", She whispered and Harry chuckled. She smiled leaning in and locking their lips together in a long, eager kiss.

Pulling away she kissed the corner of his mouth before wrapping his arms around him once again. "So have you find a dress yet?", He asked swaying them back and forth. Taylor grinned and nodded her head. "Yes, I can't wait for you to see it".

"I bet it's beautiful, just like you", He whispered kissing her nose. Taylor smiled and then put the palm of her hands against his chest.

"What about you?", She asked and He smiled. "Everything is ready, Love", He said and she nodded her head.

"Did you and Lucy have dinner?", She asked and he nodded with an amused smile. Still swaying her back and forth.

"Good, Now If you may I have to go get my daughter dressed in her Pajamas before she falls asleep", She said playing with the collar of his shirt. Harry kissed her cheek and let her walk away but not before he swatted her bottom.

Writer's note: The dress she chose is the one in the picture above :)

PS: Just quickly wanted to say Ramadan Kareem to everyone celebrating it, It's my favorite month of the year and I'm so happy it finally came around and to those who aren't, I wish you have a lovely day/evening. Love you all :)

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