chapter 47

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"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STOP INTERFERING IN MY DAMN LIFE !!! " Harry shouted at his mother , Anne was scared honestly , She has never saw Harry like his before , Ever .

"Harry calm down , There's no need to yell mate " Andrew said trying to get him to calm down .

The three of them were standing in the middle of the living room , Harry was beyond angry , He was going to explode .

"How the fuck can i calm down , Huh ? ... What she did was not acceptable , Not at all " He said pointing at Anne .

"Harry!!, Why don't you just open your eyes already ? That girl is only using you , She doesn't love you Harry , Wake up ... " Anne said raising her voice .

Harry glared at her as his hand formed a fist , "Don't you dare talk about her like that " He growled , "Harry she got you wrapped around her fingers , She can make you do anything she wants now , Just look at you " She added .

Harry suddenly hit the vase that was on the small table next to him sending it crashing to the ground with a loud sound , "DON'T YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HER !" He yelled .

"She's an amazing woman and an amazing mother , More than you will ever be " He said making Anne gasp and cover her mouth , He has never called her a bad mother , never .

"H-harry, son" She said trying to reach for him but he stepped back and said with a low voice "I am not your son , I was never your son " .

He turned around and walked outside , Anne stood in shock , What did she just hear ? , What did he just say ? , I was never your son those words kept playing in her head , over and over again .

Andrew looked at Anne and saw her falling to her knees , He quickly ran to her and grabbed her , He took her to the couch and made her lay down .

He asked the maid to bring her a glass of water , Andrew sighed , It's a good thing Harry's father isn't in the house , or God knows what would have happened .

Meanwhile , Taylor was pacing around the living room with her hand on her forehead , She knows Harry is going to do something stupid , She just knows it .

Taylor's pov:

Why did i tell him ? why ? , Damn it i'm so stupid , God knows what he's doing right now .

I've been trying to call him for the last hour but his phone is turned off , I am more than just worried , This is all my fault , All of it is my fault , If i just kept my mouth shut this would have never happened .

I turn around and see Lucy coming out of her room , "Mommy , Can you please come sleep next to me , I'm scared " She said rubbing her eyes with the cutest sleepy voice ever .

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