chapter 4

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Taylor and Harry sat in silence as they waited for their food to arrive , They have been quiet the whole time ever since they left Taylor's house , Only sharing a few words and that's all , which is the worst thing Harry wished for .

He was so nervouse that he didn't know what to say or what to talk about and Taylor was nervous as well .

Harry looked at her and she was looking around the restaurant until their eyes locked , He could swear he never saw more beautiful eyes than hers , He smiled and she smiled back at him .

He was about to say something but was cut off when the waiter put down their food on the table , They thanked him and then he left , They stayed silent while eating their dinner , Harry was tapping his foot under the table trying to come out with something to say .

Harry: so um ... do you like this place ? 

He said the first thing that came into his mind but quickly regretted it realizing how stupid his question was , Taylor smiled and then nodded .

Taylor: yes , it's really nice ...

She said sweetly looking around , He couldn't help but smile as he admired her beautiful face and soft smile .

" Lucy doesn't really look a lot like you ... she only has your eyes and hair but everything else is different ... " He said as he studied her face , Taylor smiled and then looked down .

Taylor: she look a lot like her father ...

The pain in her voice is pretty obvious , Harry watches her as she takes a deep breath .

Harry: How long has it been since his death ?

He asked , Taylor didn't really want to talk about that , this night was suposed to be about her and Harry not about her past , she was trying so hard to keep it together because just remembering her husband brings tears to her eyes .

Harry noticed how uncomfortable she was , he immediatly regreted bringing up this subject , it wasn't really a first date talk and he didn't want to make Taylor hurt in any way .

"I'm so sorry , i souldn't have asked that ... " He apologized , She looked at him and gave him a small smile .

"it's ok ... It's been ... it's been 3 years and a couple of months since he passed away ... " she said trying to keep the tears from falling but Harry could see how hard she was trying not to break down so he quickly changed the subject .

Harry:  you haven't told me yet what do you do for a living ?

Taylor: i work as an assistant ... 

Harry nodded his head smiling and then Taylor asked : " I saw the yesterday going inside the building acroos the street from where i work , do you work there ? " .

Harry: hmm... i guess you could say that , yeah ...

Taylor looked at him confused but decided to drop the subject since he doesn't really want to talk about it .

They managed to have small coversations during dinner and shared a few laughs here and there , At first it was a bit awkward but they ended up getting alone very well . 

When they finished their dinner , Harry paid the bill and then he and Taylor walked outside but stopped by the door when they noticed how hard it was raining .

And Taylor immediatly remembered how they met , It was raining also and it was night time , She smiled but snapped out of it when Harry said "we can run to the car " .

Taylor looked at Harry's car that wasn't parked too far away and then she nodded looking back at him , He counted down and then they ran to the car .

Harry quickly opened the door for Taylor , Taylor smiled getting in ,  He ran to the other side and got in , Now both wet , they laughed .

Harry started the car still laughing a little , But soon the both calmed down and they were quiet again .

Taylor:  I had a great time Harry thanks a lot .

She said as he parked next to where she lives , "well at least , let me walk you in to make sure you'll be safe ... " He said concered because it was dark and the street was empty .

Taylor smiled , He was such a gentleman , Not caring about himself but about her , She shook her head and said "No it's ok , i can go by myself , it's still raining outside and you don't have to go out " .

Harry asked "are you sure ? " , She nodded her head and then said "goodnight Harry " , Harry smiled and said "goodnight " .

She gave him one last smile before opening the door and running to the building , She looked back at him before getting inside , He waved to her and she blushed a little , she turned around and got in .

Harry started the car smiling widely , he drove away feeling Happy about how the night went down , He didn't really expect to kiss her or anything because he really likes her and he doesn't want to rush things or something .

Taylor unlocked the door and got in , she threw the purse on the couch walking inside lucy's room , she smiled when she saw Emma hugging Lucy , both peacefully sleeping , she decided to let them sleep while she went to take a shower .

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