chapter 21

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Taylor was taking deep breaths as she walked around the room trying to calm herself down , Harry is gonna be here any minute , He's picking her up so that they could go see his parents , Taylor was beyond nervous , she doesn't know what to expect , Will they be nice ? , Are they gonna like her ? , What do they think about her and Harry ? , Are they okay with the fact that she has a 3 years old daughter ? , Those are just few of the questions going through her mind right now .

"Taylor calm down , Everything's gonna be ok " Emma said as she wathced her best friend pacing around the room , Taylor sighed and then covered her face .

Emma Is going to watch Lucy for the night , Taylor can't honestly thank her enough , She has helped her so much and has always been there for her when she needed her , She's the best friend anyone could ever ask for .

Minutes later , The door bell rang and Emma went to open it while Taylor talked with Lucy alone .

"You're gonna be a good girl  , you're not gonna trouble Emma , right ? " she said pulling her daughter's hair off her face , Lucy nodded and said "I promise mommy , But please don't be late ... i want you to read me a bed time story " .

Taylor smiled and then kissed her nose "Okay " "Hello " They heared someone say at the doorway , They looked to the side and saw Harry standing there smiling at them , Lucy jumped to him and he lifted her up while Taylor stood up and fixed her Knee length black dress .

Harry kissed Lucy's cheek as she giggled , He then looked at Taylor and smirked seeing how amazingly beautiful she looked .

He put Lucy down as she walked out of the room  , Taylor stepped slowly to him ,smiling .

His hand grabbed hers and pulled her even closer closing the space between them , Taylor's hands were against his chest and Harry's were resting on the small of her back , Her smile never leaving her face she said :"Hi" .

Harry chuckled and then said "Hi to you too " , Soon their eyes were closed and lips were pressed softly agaisnt eachother , moving slowly , Taylor's fingers grabbed the front of the black shirt Harry had on trying to pull him closer if it's even posssible from the way they were already pressed against eachother .

Taylor let out a small moan as their lips parted and eyes locked with eachother , He rested his forehead agaisnt hers as she ran her finger down the side of his face smiling lightly .

"You look beautiful " He whispered , Taylor's smile grew bigger as she pressed a small peck on his lips , "Thank you , You look very handsome yourself " She whispered back .

Harry pressed one last kiss on her soft lips and then grabbed her hand before walking out of the room to the door , Taylor put on her coat and then hugged Lucy and Emma who wished her luck before leaving with Harry .

Through the drive , Taylor didn't know what to expect , she really didn't know anything about them , Harry never brought them up and she never really asked , She wonders why .

Taylor wasn't the only one nervous though , Harry's heart was going to beat out of his chest , He's scared as hell , From many things , The first thing is that Taylor's gonna know who is really is and what he has and the second thing is his parents , He knows how they are , They only want him to be with girl who's the same as him , Has a known Family name , Has money , Has a place in their world , And Taylor isn't really that , She's just a simple girl , With a 3 years old daughter and a dead husband , She works as someone's assistant and doesn't have all the money in the world .

He's praying to God everything will turn out alright even though he knows it probably won't , He takes a deep breath and takes a turn to the right as His huge mansion starts to show at the distance , Taylor frowns when she sees where they're heading , A huge house , No a mansion , at the end of the street .

Harry started pulling over and Taylor was confused , She looked out the window and then looked back at him "This is where you live ?" she asked pointing at the house he pulled over next to , He nodded slowly gripping the steering wheel hard and then the Huge gate started opening as he drove inside , Taylor didn't know what to say , She was suprised , Shocked and confused ...

Hiiiii , I'm sorry this is short guys , But i didn't update in so long and i have to put something , Soo it's getting interesting .

What do you guys think ???  Will Taylor be Happy after finding out her boyfriend is a freaking billionaire ?? Or there's gonna be some trouble ??? ... Tell me what you think i'de love to hear your thoughts , Love y'all  :) <3

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