chapter 61

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A while later . A doctor came and talked to them . He told them that Mr.Styles was pretty lucky to still be able to live . But he won't be able to do the stuff he normally did . He has to stay in bed all day , all night . 

Harry knew it was going to be hard but he was still thankful that his father was still alive .

A few minutes later . Andrew came running . He said that he just heared the news . Apparently everyone is talking about this .

Just a few seconds later , Harry looked up to see Taylor walking out of the elevator . He stood up and walked to her grabbing her arms .

"What are you doing here ? didn't i tell you not to come ? " , He asked but clearly happy to see her . Taylor ran her thumb against his cheek and said "I couldn't leave you alone " .

He shook his head and then hugged her . She wrapped her arms around his waist and ran her hand down his back .

"How is he ? Any news ? " , She asked still hugging him . Harry pulled back and said "They said he will be fine but he's still in danger " .

Taylor nodded her head and then kissed his cheek . He grabbed her hand and walked her to where his mother and Andrew were .

Andrew stood up to hug her and Anne stood up but walked down the hallway away from them . Tayor looked at her and then sucked her lips in her mouth . She sighed and looked down at the floor .

Harry sat down on one of the chairs and Taylor sat down next to him . He had his elbows on his knees and his hands on his face .

"How's Lucy ? Did she get better ? " , He asked turning his head to the side . Taylor nodded and said "She's getting better , I asked Emma to watch her for me " 

He nodded his head and she slowly grabbed his hand pulling it to her lap . Harry looked at her and smiled before leaning down to kiss her . Taylor was about to kiss him but when she cought Anne staring at them from down the hall . She turned her head so that his lips landed on her cheek .

Harry frowned and said "I'm going to get us something to drink " , He stood up and Taylor nodded . Soon Andrew had to go the bathroom leaving Taylor and Anne alone in the hallway .

Taylor felt uncomfortable knowing Anne was staring right at her . But she suddenly started walking to her untill she was standing infront of her . Taylor stood up and looked at her .

"Don't you feel ashamed of yourself ? " , Anne asked crossing her arms against her chest . Taylor sighed and looked at the ground .

"How can you even come here ? when this is all your fault " Anne added making Taylor look at her .

"Yes this is your fault . My husband could have died and his son wasn't even there with him because he was with ... with you . We barely see Harry anymore . It's like he isn't even our son . Before you came along he was always with us . Always checking on his father and me but you ... you changed him completely , You brainwahsed him , you turned him against us . If you still have one spare of dignity left in you then leave .

Leave my son alone , get out of his life and let us go back to our own life , leave us alone , Let us go back to how we were when you didn't get into his head . What if his father died today . He wouldn't have been able to say goodbye to him because he was having fun with you . Can't you see what you're doing to us . Leave us alone for god's sake . Tearing up a family isn't a small deal like you think . You tore our family apart , you broke us . You stood between us and Harry . If you feel sorry for Des , if you feel sorry for Harry and if you really do 'Love' him like you say you do , then leave him . Leave him now and let him get back to his family . " 

Anne's words were spoken in a harsh tone . Taylor felt so small infront of her . But she was right , wasn't she ? .

She was standing between Harry and his family , she did tore them apart . And for what ? . To have Harry all to herself . That's selfish . That's not you Taylor . 

Taylor held back tears as she took her gaze away from Anne . She grabbed her purse and then looked at Anne and said "I'm sorry " .

She walked away and tear fell down her cheek . She quickly wiped it away . How can i do this ? . What did i do ? . This is so cruel . She thought to herself .

The elevator closed and started going down with Taylor in deep thoughts . As soon as she was at the bottom floor she ran outside .

She got soaked from the rain that was falling . She looked up at the clouded sky and cried . 

Meanwhile , Harry has just came back with two cups of coffee in his hands . He looked around and only found Anne .

"Where's Taylor ? " , He asked her and she said "She left . She said that she couldn't stay "  .

Harry frowned and put the cups down . He pulled up his phone and called her but only to find her phone turned off .

He sighed and walked back to his mother . Meanwhile Andrew was leaning against the wall , Surprised of what he heard Anne tell Taylor . He took a deep breath and then shook his head . 

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