chapter 25

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Taylor stood up from her chair and got ready to leave work untill her phone rang , she looked at it and saw it was Harry who's calling .

She hasn't talked to him since last night after coming home from meeting his family , He called her many and many times but she didn't pick up , because she was still mad at him .      


she took a deep breath after deciding to finally pick up , "Hello ? tay ? " He spoke .

"Hi Harry"  She said picking up her purse then walking to the elevator , "How are you ? " He asked , He didn't really know what to say , He didn't even expect her to pick up when he called .

"I'm fine " She said leaning back against the elevator wall , "I was wodering if maybe we can go out to have some coffee and talk about things ... If you're free ? " He asked taking a deep breath .

Taylor thought for a moment , Does she really want to see him right now ? , She remebered what Emma told her , Maybe she should listen to him , Maybe he has a good excuse , She sighed before saying "Yes , I'm free right now , If you want we can meet "  .

"Actually , I'm right outside your work place right now " He said just when she opened the door and walked out , She saw Him leaning agaisnt his car .

He waved to her  , And she hung up and put the phone in her purse before walking to him , When she was close she said "Hi " , She didn't know if she should hug him or kiss him or what , But he quickly pulled her in for a small hug , He pulled away and said "Hi "  .

He opened the door for her and she got in , After getting in himself , He started driving to a near by coffee shop .

They didn't talk at all through the drive , Taylor kept looking outside and he would glance at her sometimes , He could tell she's still mad .

"What do you want to drink ? " He asked as they sat down by the table , Taylor asked for some coffee and Harry did the same .

As they waited for their coffee , Harry couldn't stop looking at her , She seemed a bit tired , Exhausted , She looks like she didn't really get any sleep last night , Taylor catches him looking at her and she says "What ? " .

Harry shakes his head and says "Nothing ... " , He looks away and Taylor stares at him before looking away also .

Once their coffee arrived , Harry started talking , "So uhm... I know you're probably mad at me right now , And i know i messed up big time , But I ... I really wish you can hear me out first" He says playing with his hands .

Taylor stared at him and nodded , He smiled a little and said "As you probably know by now , I...uhm ... Well I'm , My family is pretty rich , And known ... And let me tell you i was really suprised the first time we met because you didn't know who I am , Or at least my Family's Name , Do you ever watch the news ?? " He asked in a joke trying to lighten things up a little but Taylor didn't laugh or anything she just kept looking at him with her arms cossed against her chest .

Harry wiped away his stupid grin and drank some coffee before adding "So as i said , I was pretty surprised but also very pleased , And as i got to spend more time with you , I really started to like you , Because you are so caring and genuine and nice , And you liked me for me , Not for what i own , Or for my name , Or for the money or anything , so i ... *sighs* i think i was scared to tell you who i really am because ... " He stopped trying to find the right words but Taylor said "Because you thought i'd only use you for what you have afterwards , right ? "  .

Harry looked at her for a moment and then nodded his head looking down at his coffee that was already cold by now .

"Harry , I don't care about what you have , About your money , Your family name , Your work , I don't care , I only cared about you , Because i actually liked you , And you were the first man that i have ever let in so close after my husband , So I ... i felt like you betrayed me or something by lying to me , By not telling me the truth , Because you know everything about me , Everything you need to know , And when i thought i knew you , It turned out , I really don't , I don't know anything about you , Do you know how that made me feel Harry ? "  She said never taking her eyes away from him .

" And you know that's not even what got me the most , Last night , I felt like ... Like i wasn't good enough for you , Nor will i ever be ... I felt like you were ashamed of me , Too ashamed to tell them that you're going out with a working,single mom " She added and this time she looked down at the table because she couldn't look him in the eyes .

Harry listened to every word she said , And he doesn't blame her for being mad at him at all , He put her in that situation and he would do anything to turn back time and change everything , He never wanted her to feel that way , Never .

His hand reached for hers that was on the table and he ran his thumb on the back of it , "Tay ... I never wanted you to feel that way , And i am not ashamed of you , Are you kidding ? , I have the most beautiful girl in this world as my girlfriend , And she has the cutest little girl as her daughter , Why would i be ashamed of that ? "He said making Taylor smile a little as she looked at his eyes , "The reason i didn't tell me family is because i know them , And i know how judgemental they can be , so that's why i didn't tell them " .

Taylor looked down at their intertwined hands and said "Harry , Can i have some time to think about everything ? , I really want to think things through " She said looking back at him .

Harry was a bit disappointed but he couldn't say No , He nodded his head a gave her a small smile taking his hand away from her .

"Thanks for understanding Harry" She said , "Thanks for listening to me "He said  .

After paying the check , Harry drove Taylor to her house after picking up Lucy from the kindergarten , He then went to his house after , Knowing his mother is waiting for him to talk about him and Taylor .

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