chapter 8

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Taylor grabbed her phone from Emma and then dialed Harry's number , after three rings he picked up .

"Hello ? " his voice spoke and she froze , she really didn't know what to say , so she started with the first thing that came into her mind "im sorry " she apologized .

Harry was silent for a while , and then said "It's ok " , Taylor played with her nails trying to come up with words .

"Harry ... if you want we can go out tomorrow ... " she said and then bit her bottom lip waiting for an answer , she looked at Emma who was smiling at her .

"umm ... yeah of course ! " he said after a small silence , she smiled a little and said "Ok " , after that they both stayed quiet , untill Harry spoke "well then , i'll see you tomorrow , good night Taylor " .

Taylor: good night .

she said and after she hung up and put her phone down , she looked at Emma with a small smile , Emma hugged her and whispered "I'm so proud of you Tay " , Taylor smiled and then pulled away .

Emma: It's getting late and i have to go .

Taylor: stay a little more ...

Emma: i can't , i have to go to work tomorrow .

Taylor: okay ...

They both got up and walked to the door , before she left Emma hugged Taylor and said "don't forget what i told you , okay ? " , Taylor nodded her head and then waved goodbye to her as she walked away .

She closed the door and walked to Lucy's room after turing the Tv off , she slowly climbed into the small sized bed and got under the covers , She wrapped her arm around Lucy's fragil body and planted a kiss on her forehead .

Even though she has Taylor's hair and Eyes she is a lot more like her father , Not only in her look but also in everything else , In the way she talks , The way she smiles , The way she acts , Everything .

Taylor smiled a little and closed her eyes remembering Zac talking to Lucy one night when she was just born .

        Flashbacks :

  Taylor opened her eyes and groaned , she rolled over to hug her husband but only to find the bed empty .

She slowly lifted her head up and looked around the room , it was dark and it was about 2 Am only , she rubbed her eyes and sat on the bed , she turned on the light and looked at the baby bassinet by the bed and found it empty too , she carefully stood up from the bed and put on her robe , she slowly walked down the stairs but stopped when she noticed the light coming from the living room , she peeked out and saw Zac sitting on the couch with Lucy in his arms , He was looking down at her and talking , Taylor held back her laughter when she heared him sayYou're gonna be a beautiful girl when you grow up and evey guy would want you but remember always say No , because there's no boys allowed untill you're over 20 , understood ? "  . Lucy was looking up at her father with a toothless smile .

" Oh and don't you even think about going behind my back because i know everything , No boys , No parties , No crazy friends , Ok ? you have me and your mom and that's all you need ... " , Taylor couldn't stop her laughter , She laughed out loud causing Zac to turn his head and look at her .

"Heyy!!!! what are you doing over there ? " He said looking at Taylor who was still laughing , She walked to the couch and jumped next to him with a big smile .

" don't you think she is way too young for that kind of talk Zac ? " , she asked him looking down at her only 2 weeks old baby girl , Zac shrugged and then smiled and said :"it's never too early " causing Taylor to laugh again .

She grabbed Lucy from his arms and said to her : "Don't listen to Daddy baby , he's being a meanie ... " , Zac gasped and said "Am not " , Taylor rolled her eyes at him and then kissed his cheek , before she could pull away he grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips , Taylor smiled as she kissed back .

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