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"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Lucy. Happy birthday to you", Everyone in the room chanted as Lucy closed her eyes and made a wish before blowing on the seven candles getting some help from her mother.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Lucy jumped up and down before hugging Taylor. "Thank you mommy, I Love you so much".

Taylor kissed the top of her head and whispered:" Happy birthday baby girl, No matter how old you'll get you'll always be my baby girl, understood?".

Lucy laughed and nodded her head, Taylor kissed her cheek and said:" I Love you", Before letting her go play with her friends as Emma grabbed a knife and started cutting the cake. Taylor looked over and saw Harry holding their son in his arms while wearing a stupid birthday hat and dancing to the kids music  that was playing. She shook her head laughing at the sight before helping Emma with the cake.

It was Lucy's seventh birthday, All of her friends were invited to Harry and Taylor's house and oh did she have a lot of friends, The play was full with kids running around and dancing.

Taylor didn't mind though, it was her daughter's birthday and she deserved the best birthday she could ask for.

Emma and Andrew moved back to America a few months ago when Emma decided she missed her friends and Family there and Andrew didn't argue at all, he quite as well liked it a lot here, He managed to transfer all of his work to the US so he doesn't have to be flying to the UK and back. They got married just before their little daughter Mia, turned 2 years old. 

Mean while for Taylor and Harry, They had a baby boy named Lucas. However, they always called him Luke instead. 

He is over a year old and already walking and talking. Since he has arrived almost everything has changed, The house was always cheerful and filled with laughs and giggles. 

Recently, Taylor discovered she is a few weeks pregnant already. She told Harry just the night before and he was over the moon. 

He has been an amazing father to Luke and Lucy, Taylor noticed he didn't treat them differently which she feared a lot. He treated Lucy just like his own daughter and whenever he gets something for Luke he never forgets about Lucy, He's always taking them out together, and playing with them both. 

Taylor and Emma cut the cake and gave everyone a plate, She then walked over the room to Harry who was still dancing with Luke in his arms. 

"Here are my two favorite boys", She said opening her arms out when Luke saw her and squealed. She picked him up and then pressed a quick kiss to Harry's lips. She laughed looking at his hat. 

"You are such a child Harry", She laughed and he shook his head while dancing with a stupid grin on his face.

"I'm still a child inside baby", He said twirling around before stopping and leaning against the couch. "I'm dizzy", He said and Taylor laughed at him. She looked at Luke who was smiling at his father and kissed the top of his head.

"Harry?, can you hold him for a little longer?", She said and Harry nodded falling to the couch, He took Luke in his arms and took off the hat off his head and put it away as Taylor walked away from them looking for Lucy.

When she spotted her, she held her hand and told her to come with her, She took her upstairs where it was much more quite than downstairs.

"What mommy?", Lucy said following her mother inside her bedroom, She sat on the bed and watched Taylor pull out a small box from her closet.

Taylor walked over to the bed and sat next to Lucy with the small box in her hand. "So this is a gift that your father gave me once on my birthday", Taylor said and Lucy frowned. 

"He told me that it was very special because it was his mother's, which means it was you're grandma's. He said that he wanted to give it to me to pass it to our own kids, but unfortunately he never got to see you grown up and be the beautiful princess you are today.". 

Lucy giggled and Taylor ran her fingers down her daughter's hair. "So I want to give it to you today because I know your father would have done the same". 

She slowly opened the box and revealed a beautiful, vintage necklace. She picked it up and looked at it with a sweet smile remembering the night Zac wrapped it around her neck. 

She looked at Lucy who had her jaw opened. "It's so beautiful mommy", she exclaimed and Taylor's smiled.  

"That's not all baby, Look", She said opening it revealing a picture of Zac, Lucy and Taylor. It was taken a day after Lucy was born. And it was a rare picture since only a few had the three of them together.

"Is that me, mommy?", Lucy pointed to the baby in the picture and Taylor nodded. "See how beautiful you were?", She looked at her and said:" And you still are to this very day. your dad would have been so proud, Lucy".

Lucy smiled sweetly at her mother and said:" I Love you, mommy. So much, both you and daddy". 

Taylor smiled and engulfed her in a big hug. "And I love you more baby, So does your daddy, I bet he is looking down at you smiling right now".

A small tear rolled down her cheek as she turned Lucy around and put the necklace around her neck. "Promise me you'll keep it safe?".

"I promise mommy", Lucy said before hugging her again. Taylor smiled closing her eyes. The small giggles heard from the doorway made her look up to see Harry and Luke smiling at them.

She opened her arms out and motioned for him to come closer, Harry put Luke on the bed and let him climb on Taylor's lap next to his sister as Taylor wrapped her arms around her kids, leaning her head against Harry's shoulder.

Harry laughed and how tight they were all hugging each other, He kissed the top of her head and whispered:" I Love you, Taylor. Thank you for giving me such an amazing family".

She looked up with tears in her eyes. She pressed their lips together and whispered resting her forehead against his:" I Love you, Harry".

The End.

Hey guys so this is it. Just wanted to thank you again for making this story my favorite. I loved all of your comments and feed back. I was just going back to the first chapters of this story and kept laughing at your amazing funny comments, You guys made this story have over 100k reads before it was even over and thank you for that very much.

Now As I promised there's a new story up. I just posted it and would love it if you guys check it out.

I hope you'll love it just as much as you loved this one. Thank you again or everything you did, you are amazing and I Love you all 💋 💖💖

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