chapter 2

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Taylor was running late for work today , she ran to her room and put on her coat , "Lucy hurry up!!... " she yelled from the room .

Lucy didn't want to wake up  or leave the house today , so she kept crying and whining wich made Taylor very late for work because she was trying to get her dressed and ready to take her to her best friend Emma who is gonna take care of Lucy while Taylor's at work  .

Emma is Taylor's best friend and only friend in this city , she met her the day she moved here , She lives in the same apartment building that Taylor lives in , Emma is on the third floor and Taylor's on the fourth.

"Lucy come on.... " she yelled once again as she stood by the front door waiting for Lucy , Lucy came out of her room whiping tears from her cheeks and her bottom lip coming out in a pout .

Taylor sighed because she knows why is Lucy doing this , She just wants to spend more time with her mother but she can't because Taylor has to work otherwise she can't pay the bills and buy their food .

She closed the door after both her and Lucy came out of the apartment , she grabbed her hand and walked down the stairs , the Elevator is still broken and hasn't been fixed yet , when she got to the third floor , she started walking to Emma's door , she knocked on it and stepped back , a few seconds later the door opened and Emma was standing there with a big smile on her face .

She pulled Taylor into a hug and greeted her "good morning "  .

Taylor: morning Emma .

Emma looked at Lucy and saw her looking at the floor pouting , She kneeled down and hugged her "good morning Lucy " .

"good morning auntie Emma " Lucy said still looking at the floor , Emma smiled at Taylor and walked inside while Taylor kneeled down infront of Lucy and kissed her cheek .

Taylor: don't be sad Lucy , i'll be back tonight i promise ...

Lucy shrugged her shoulders and tried walking in but Taylor grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a sweet hug , her lips pressing small kisses on the top of her head .

"I love you so much , okay ? " she said still huggging her daughter .

Lucy: i love you too mommy .

Lucy said hugging her back , Taylor gave her one more kiss on the cheek and stood up , she waved goodbye and then walked to the stairs , Lucy got in and closed the door behind her calling for Emma .

Taylor ran down the stairs almost falling a couple of times , she got out of the building and walked quickly to the bus stop , she looked at her hand watch and sighed noticing how late she is .

She's very sure she's gonna get yelled at by her boss when she gets there , The bus stopped and Taylor got in .

She works as an assistant , so she does everything for her boss , she does all the paper works that he doesn't feel like doing , she arranges meetings and others .

The bus stops and she gets out , she crosses the street and walks to the building where she works , before entering she notices a black SUV stopping by the building across the street .

The door opens and a man wearing a black suit comes out , his curly hair pushed back and he was wearing sunglasses, It was Harry , she quickly remembers the events of last night , he still didn't call her but she didn't expect him to call this soon anyways .

He didn't notice her , he walked into the building followed by other men wearing black suits also , Taylor shook her head and realized she's already late enough , she ran inside and took the elevator , she arrived at the floor she works in and got greeted by fellow workers .

She went to her small desk and threw her purse and sat down on the chair , she closed her eyes and took deep breaths but quickly opened them when she heard her boss saying : "well well miss swift , late again i see ...  " .

He was standing in front of her wearing a gray suit , she tried coming up with an excuse but he quickly said "this is the last time this will happen , understood ? " .

She quickly nodded her head and said "yes sir " .

He turned around and walked away , she rolled her eyes and then got to work .

Guyss , i need your help with something , i still don't know who should play Taylor's dead husband , who do you think it should be ?? please help :)

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