chapter 51

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Harry walked to the large living room of the house he was staying in for the moment , It's his house , but he never stayed in it much , It's not as big as the Styles mansion but it was still pretty huge . It's about Forty minutes away from the city .

He was waiting for Andrew to arrive , He called him earlier and told him to bring him some of his belongings from the mansion . Ever since the huge fight with his mother . He never came back to that house .

Only a few minutes later , He heared the door bell , He ran to the door and opened it to see Andrew holding a few bags in his hands .

"Hello mate " Andrew said stepping inside , "Hi " Harry replied closing the door and taking the bags away from Andrew .

"What took you so long ? " Harry asked walking into the living room with Andrew following behind , "I got lost twice on my way here " Andrew said laughing .

Harry laughed shaking his head as he jumped on the couch , Andrew sat on the couch and looked at Harry , "You okay mate ? " He asked .

Harry looked at him ,"Yup " He answered with a small nod , Andrew nodded his head and looked around the house , "Nice place " He said .

"Thanks " Harry said smiling , "Your father is pretty worried about you " Andrew said turning his gaze back at Harry .

Harry looked at the ground and said "I know , I was going to call him " , Andrew nodded and added "Anne is worried too " .

Harry closed his eyes when he heared her name , He shook his head and said "Please don't bring her up man " .

Andrew sighed and then stood up , He walked around the living room looking at the art works on the wall .

Harry rested his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes , "Taylor is coming over tonight " He said with a small smile , Just the though of her makes him smile .

Andrew tunred around and said "Oh yeah ? " . Harry nodded and opened his eyes , with a smirk on his face he said "Yeah , She's spending the night here " .

Andrew laughed and said "Well Lucky you " , Harry laughed and Andrew asked " What about her daughter ? , Lucy  " .

"Oh she's staying with Emma , Taylor's friend , do you remember her ? "  Harry asked , Andrew took a moment to talk and said "Yeah , yeah i remember her , How can i forget ? " .

Harry laughed and said "What is it with you two ? , you barely know eachother " , Andrew walked back to the couch and said " She's rude man " , Harry smirked and said "Not from what i was told " .

Andrew : What do you mean ?

Harry : Taylor told me about the little accindent back in the retaurant .

Andrew : And ?

Harry : And from what i was told , You were the one being rude .

Andrew acted all in shock putting his hand on his chest and saying "Hey ! , I was not , That's a lie " , Harry laughed throwig his head back .

"Come on Andrew , we both know you can be a little rude sometimes . " , Harry laughed .

Andrew threw a small pillow at him and said "yeah, right "  .

Harry: Emma is a really cool girl , Trust me .

Andrew : You trying to set me up styles ?

Harry: No , just saying ...

Andrew sighed and said "Well , she does kinda look good " , " I think you mean Hot " Harry laughed knowing his friend good and well .

Andrew laughed and said "Yeah , yes she is " , "Well you have to keep it in your pants this time because she's Taylor's best friend and you're not getting anywhere near her " Harry warned with a smirk .

Andrew put his hands in the air and said "Heyyy!!! , i didn't say i wanted to " , Harry laughed shaking his head .

Andrew : well i mean maybe ...

Harry : Andrew!!

Harry warned making Andrew laugh  , They spend the rest of their time joking around and laughing , Andrw didn't want to bring up Anne or anything to ruin the mood .

After Andrew left it was about the afternoon , And harry started to go around the house to get everything ready for when Taylor arrives .

He told her that he was going to cook for her wich didn't turn out pretty well , He ended up calling one of the most talented chef in the country named Charles , He knows him for a long time , If it was someone else calling him he would refuse but since it was Harry he couldn't say No .

Harry went upstairs and let Charles do his work , Meanwhile he walked to the master bedroom where He and Taylor are going to be staying in tonight .

He smiled at the idea and then started thinking how can he make romantic enough for their first night together .

Half an hour later he was finished decorating it , He smiled stepping back and looking at the final result . He knew Taylor was going to like it .

Writer's note : Harry's house is in the picture :) .

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