chapter 100

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Taylor helped Lucy out of the back seat of the car as Harry walked straight into the house. Taylor sighed closing the car door and then grabbing Lucy's hand and walking towards the house.

"Mommy, Is he always going to be sad?", Lucy said talking about Harry. Taylor smiled sadly at her little girl and said:" Everything will get better soon, and Uncle Harry will be happy again, I promise". 

Lucy nodded and Taylor stepped into the house and closed the door behind them. She took off her coat revealing her black dress that covered her six months pregnant body. 

She put her coat and hand bag down and took off her shoes. Then,  walked to the couch with her hand on her growing belly and carefully sat down. Letting out a deep breath and closing her eyes. That day has been exhausting. It was the day of Mr.Styles funereal. 

He passed away a couple of days ago and today was set as the funereal. Almost everyone was there, From Family and friends and relatives to business man and all of the employees of the Styles corporation. Everyone loved Des and everyone wanted to be there for his funereal like he wished.

Taylor was more than devastated when she woke up to Harry crying in the middle of the night telling her that his father just died. She was devastated because Des was so happy when he found out he was going to be a grandfather soon. However, Fate stepped in and took away the chance of him to see his son's kid. 

Harry hasn't spoken to anyone since he heard the news. Not even Taylor, Not even Lucy. He locked himself in his office and never came out which very much worried Taylor but she decided to give him space if that's what he needed.

She opened her eyes and looked down at her growing belly, rubbing her hand over it through the think fabric of er black dress. A small tear rolled down her cheek as she whispered:" You would have loved you grandpa, He loved you even before you're born". 

She wiped away her tear and slowly stood up from the couch. "Lucy!", She called through the house and Lucy came running from the backyard. "Yes mommy?", She asked walking over to her mother who was reaching her hand out for her.

"Come on, Let's go get changed then we can have dinner", She said and Lucy nodded taking her mother's hand as they started walking up the stairs, slowly because of Taylor's back pain.

Taylor changed Lucy in her Pajamas and brushed her hair into a pony tail before letting her go watch TV while she went to her bedroom and pulled out a comfortable dress she can sleep with. She put it on and then walked to the bathroom to wash her face. 

She lifted her head off the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled a little putting her hand on her belly before walking out of the bathroom and walking downstairs.

Taylor didn't have to cook dinner today because on their way home, When they were leaving the Styles mansion, Anne gave Taylor some of the food that was made because she didn't want her to tire herself more than she already was. Anne seemed very composed, Taylor knew she was trying to seem okay by everything and that thing like these happen all the time and it's how life goes but she knows she hurting inside. She knows that feeling very well, She knows the feeling of losing a husband that was as loyal and loving. 

Taylor sighed heating the food and Lucy came running and grabbed the plates from her mother's hands. "I'll help you mommy", She said setting the plates on the table. Taylor smiled leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Thank you, baby".

Lucy sat by the table and started eating while Taylor walked to the living room, then down the hallway that led to Harry's office. 

She knocked on the door a couple of times before opening it and peeking her head inside to see him writing something down on some papers. He had a frown on his face and he seemed very upset. 

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