chapter 98 (Part 2)

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Taylor woke up to the blinding light of the sun coming through the opened glass doors of the bed room, A cool morning breeze hit her face and she smiled with her eyes closed as she listened to the calming sound of waves hitting this shore. 

It was definitely a beautiful sound to wake up to, Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at the side of the bed that was empty in front of her. 

She yawned and then slowly sit up on the bed, She smiled when she saw the view of the ocean from where she was sitting. She loved it there, It has been a week since they first arrived and she enjoyed every single moment, It was absolutely magical and the fact that she gets to spend it with Her and Harry only was what made it even more special.

She stretched and then pulled the covers to the side, Walking on the hard wooden floor to the bathroom, She washed her face and fixed her hair before walking out of the room and down the stair case.

 She saw Harry sitting on the couch with his legs on the table wearing his reading glasses and holding a book in his hands. Taylor smiled and leaned against the door frame, She crossed her arms against her chest and watched him intently.

They way he pursed his lips focusing on the words written in front of him, The way he licked his thump before turning the page over, The way he ran his fingers through his hair. She smiled widely realizing he is all hers.

Harry looked up and smiled at her. "Hey, Morning beautiful", He said closing the book as Taylor walked to him. She sat next to him and wrapped her arms around his torso giving him a small peck.

"Morning, Handsome", She said and Harry chuckled, He leaned back against the couch and ran his fingers through her hair before putting a small piece behind her ear, Taylor smiled taking his hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

She then studies his face and said:" You look so handsome with Glasses on". Harry frowned and said:" So You're saying I don't look good without them?".

Taylor laughed shaking her head. "No you silly, You already look good, It's just that you look extra good with Glasses". Harry chuckled and said:" You're so weird". He laughed when Taylor pouted at him before he pulled her in his lap and kissed her cheek. "But That's why I Love you", He whispered and she smiled. "I Love you too, Baby", She kissed him before standing up and reaching for his hand. "Come on now Handsome boy, We have a lot to do today".


Taylor laughed when Harry chased behind her, They were both bare foot and their laughs covered the whole place. It was already getting dark and Harry was chasing Taylor by the shore. He caught up to her and picked her up from behind as she squealed in his arms. 

"Ha!, You can't run now", He laughed before running to the water as Taylor tried to get out of his grip. "Harry No! It's cold... No!", She managed to get the words out between her laughs but Harry was already counting to three before she was already in the water. 

She gasped as she came out of the water and pulled her now wet hair out of her forehead as Harry laughed at her. "You are so going to regret this", She said before splashing him with water. 

Harry ran to the shore and she ran after him trying to get back at him but she stopped when he already ran to the front of the house. He turned around grabbing his stomach and dying with laughter. 

Taylor pouted and sighed before sitting down on the sand. Harry frowned and then walked to her. "Babe?, What's wrong?", He asked sitting down next to her. Taylor shook her head and then looked down at her lap. "Is it because I threw you in the water? I'm sorry baby, I thought it would be funny... I didn't mean to get you mad".

Taylor shrugged and Harry hugged her from the side, He kissed the top of her head and then heard a small giggle. Before he could look at her, His back met the sand and she was straddling his waist while laughing. 

"Hey!", He said and she just laughed more at him, She brought both wrist about his head and leaned down so that her lips were brushing against his. 

Harry bit his lip and she smirked before saying:" I Love you so much Harry, So much". Harry smiled sweetly at her and said:" I Love you too, So much". 

Taylor leaned down and finally met his lips in a sweet long kiss as she laced their fingers together about his head. 

Harry hands left hers and ran down her back to her hips, He leaned his hips up and she groaned feeling the bulge through his pants.

She pulled back and bit her lip looking down at him. "We have to go have dinner, Baby", She said and harry whined:" Just once, Please?... Baby I need you". He pouted at her and she smiled before nodding her head. In an instant Harry was already standing up and threw her over his shoulder as he ran to the house with a big grin. 


Later, as they sat in a crowded restaurant. Taylor and Harry couldn't keep their hands off each other, Either his hands were on her thighs or his fingers were playing with her hair. It was a romantic dinner just like every one they had since they arrived here. 

Taylor looked out at the sea and smiled a little before turning her head to Harry. "Lucy would have loved it here", She said and Harry smiled. "Yeah, I think we can bring her here sometime, what do you think?", He asked and Taylor grinned. "Really?", She asked and he nodded. She smiled leaning in for a hug, He kissed the top of her head and he sighed. 

"You really miss her, don't you?", He asked and she nodded her head against his chest. "Me too, But we'll get to see her in just a week, And then we can spend as much time as we want together, Just the three of us... Like a family".

Taylor smiled and lifted her head to look at him. "Like a family", She smiled proudly and he smiled back at her before kissing her cheek and whispering another 'I Love you' to her.

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