Defense Only

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We started the kick off but your teammates immediately get stopped by how huge their opponents were,just like the rumours said their defense is like a fortress.


You look at you eleven band and see a text from your coach "Defense Only <3" you did a disgusted face because your coach just used a heart emoji.

The first half ended as none of the team has scored once, 0:0.

The coach seemed very sure of him, but why not letting us going on the offense then? You then realise something, is the coach testing our opponents patience and wait for whoever tries to go on offense?

The second half starts as we continue defending until we get another text from our coach this time it was a warning for us to listen to him or we will get.... Kicked out of the team.

Goujin started to convince everyone to go on offense ignoring the coach warning but Kozoumaru stopped him from it.

You agreed with Kozoumaru.

The second half only had 10 minutes left, if it continues it's gonna end up in a tie and it'll be over for us.

Then suddenly opponents stand still next to each other in a perfect line and started to charge at us!

You dodged them but the opponent stole the ball from Asuto with their defense, they dribble toward the goal about to shoot but Iwato stopped them with an hissatsu.

"The wall!" Iwato creates an huge wall and it falls upon the opponent and steal the ball back.

"When did he learned that..?" You looked at Iwato.

"Maybe from the coach training." Said Kozoumaru.

"I see." You said.


"It's time to attack <3 ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ"

You look at your teammates, we all nodded, Iwato pass the ball to the Asuto that passes it to you.

"I'll destroy your fortress!" You kick the ball in the sky creating platforms leading you to the sky. "[H/N]!" You shoot toward the goal.



"Nice one [F/N]!" Said Goujin.

"Thanks!" You high five him.

Kozoumaru walks up to you, you smile at you and also high five him.

The match resume as our opponent uses another hissatsu this time their opponent is a huge wall but this time it can move.

One by one your teammates get pushed away by the walls and Hiura gets the ball.

"[F/N] Go further toward the goal!" Ordered Hiura.

"If you haven't noticed I'm also stuck here!" You replied.

"Use your hissatsu with your platform like you did!" He said.

"That's not how it wo-" But too late Hiura used new Hissatsu called Ice arrow and shot the ball throughout the walls.

You sigh and used your hissatsu, you walk on the walls hissatsu of your opponent and do a shootchain with Hiura and shoot it toward Asuto.

Asuto gets the ball and blow the opponent goalkeeper in the goal.




You land on the ground easily.

"We did it!" Shouted your teammates happily.

"You did a good job!" Smiled Hiura.

"Of course I did!" You smiled.

|After the match|

You walk out of the stadium and waited for the others since they were taking FOREVER! then you look on the floor and notice... A Keychain?

You pick it up and see its from the famous mascot named Kumazou! You wonder lost it there though.. Its a shame its a cute Keychain..


You turn around and see Mansaku.

"Phew.. You scared me." You sigh.

"My bad, what are you holding?" He ask.

"A Keychain, I found it on the floor." You said and showed Mansaku the Keychain.

"A Teddy bear Keychain, never seen that before." He said.

"True, but I've seen on the internet that his name is Kumazou!" You smiled.

"Maybe you should keep it until you find it's owner." Suggested Mansaku.

You nod and put it in your pocket. "You're right, if I'm lucky.. I'll probably find the owner!" You smiled.

"Sorry for making you guys wait!" Asuto and the other's arrives.

"don't worry, let's head to the logement !" Said Mansaku.

Night time/Dorm

You look at the roof because you couldn't sleep at all, Norika was asleep so you didn't wanted to bother her.

Today you took out your hissatsu, you are proud but yet... You felt something was missing, you knew that you could do much more better!

You then remember that Keychain you found, you slowly leave your bed making sure to make no noise and opened your jersey pocket and took out that Keychain.

You stared at it trying to find hints to find who was the owner but yeah that's kinda dumb so you gave up after 48 seconds.


You panicked and put the keychain in the jersey pocket, you slowly turn around and see Norika looking at you

"Sorry, I'll go back to sleep, i just needed to check my phone." You said and acted like nothing happened.

And went to sleep.

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