Ending With Kidou

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(This story will have two path one with Kidou this one, and another with Gouenji, so if you read the Gouenji one and that it looks similar to this one it's normal!)

"Everyone... Today we're going on... A festival!" Said our coach making us walk THE WHOLE mountain, to have fun in a festival when we were suppose to practice.

"But coach aren't we suppose to-" Asuto was about to say something but guess what? Our coach left us again.

"Looks like we can't do anything about it, plus the coach has the map, let's have fun for now." Said Mansaku.

We all nodded.

I was walking around to check if there was any stand that sell nice food.

"[F/N]!" Someone shouted my name, I looked at that person direction and see Kidou!

"Kidou!" I waved and walk up to him.

"I didn't knew you also came." Smiled Kidou.

"Oh, well.. Actually our coach wanted us to come." I replied.

"Oh, your coach is full of mystery." Said Kidou.

"Indeed.. Oh! What are you doing here Kidou?" I asked.

"Oh, I came here with Endou and Gouenji but I.. Lost them." He sweatdrop.

"Oh.. Have you tried to call them?" I said.

Kidou shows his phone. "The battery's are dead." He replied.

"Oh, I'll borrow you mi-" I checked my pocket but they are empty.


"You forgot yours in your logement didn't you ?" Asked Kidou.

I nod. "Yeah..."

Kidou starts to laugh. "It's fine, Endou and Gouenji knows how to take care of themselves." Smiles Kidou.

(Hopefully Endou does)

"Then let's walk around the festival and hope to find them!" I suggested.

"Alright, I noticed a interesting stand, wanna check it out?" Asked Kidou.

"Sure!" I accepted.

Then we went to some stands to buy food and then went on playing some games, Kidou gave me one of these huge plushie that he won in a game.

"That was soo fun!" I said happily hugging the plushie that Kidou gave me.

"I'm glad. Oh, isn't that Endou and Gouenji?" Kidou point at two person's from afar eating some food.

I tried to see if it's really them, I noticed Endou's orange headband. "Yup, it's them!" I said.

"Then I'll have to go, your friends are over there. It was fun hanging out with you." Kidou smiles.

"Let's hangout more in the future!" I exclaimed.

Kidou nod. "I'll gladly accept." then he leaves.

"Did you have fun with Kidou?" Asked someone behind me, I looked behind me and saw Norika with Nae.

"Nae? Norika?" I look at them both.

"We saw you two together, we couldn't resists, so we followed and went to spy on you two." Said Nae.

"You weren't supposed to say it!" Said Norika.

"So you two we're spying?" I asked.

"No! Haha... Oh look! The food looks tasty let's go!" Said Norika and grabbed me and Nae's hand.

After that festival, me and Kidou started to see each other more than we used to, Kidou would usually come to Raimon to see Haizaki's progress.

But we somehow ended up being very closed.

One day he asked me to meet him on his favorite spot, the one where we can see the beautiful sunset.

"You came." Said Kidou who finally arrived.

"Yup! So what did you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

Kidou then approaches me and takes out a bouquet of roses. "I've noticed a feeling inside my chest, I need to tell you the truth." He inhale and exhale.

"I love you [F/N]!" He exclaimed.

I stood there in shock, I couldn't believe it.

(Then you can imagine your own response!)

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