Ending With Asuto

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"[F/N]! Wake up!" Shouted Norika at me.

"Give me five more minute.." I mumbled not wanting to wake up.

"I know it's week-end, but the coach told us to be present on today's practice." Said Norika and grabbed my blanket away.

"Fine." I get out of bed and went to change into my uniform.

After changing me and Norika went down stairs and ate breakfast, then we walked out of the logement to head toward our school, but the weather was kinda cold.

"Here." Asuto hand me his scarf with a smile.

"Oh no no! I don't need one, it's not that col--" then I sneezed.

Asuto chuckled then gave me the scarf.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course! I won't catch a cold that easi--" then he also sneezed.

"What were you saying?" I asked to tease him.

"Nothing.." He looked away embarrassed.

Then we started our practice, I've noticed Asuto missing some shoots when i was doing some dribbles, it's not like him.

When we did a pause of 15 minutes I walked up to him.

"What's wrong? You usually never miss a shoot." I said to Asuto.

Asuto look at me. "I wanna take off something from my chest!" He said.

"Huh? What is it?" I asked.

"Let's speak after practice, it's kinda private." Asuto smiled then walked away.


I instantly thought of a confession, i mean it's like in the mangas or animes right? Or am I overthinking?

"What are you doing standing there [F/N]! Practice is starting!" Shouted Norika.

"Oh! Coming!" I said and tried to not think too much about Asuto's words.

After practice me and Asuto waited for everyone to leave as we told them to not wait for us since we had things to do after practice.

So the coach told us to put back to soccer balls where they belong, me and Asuto agreed.

"So, What did you wanted tell me?" I asked picking up a soccer ball.

"Well.. It's a bit embarrassing.." Replied Asuto.

"How so?" I look at him.

"Well.. Its just that.. I've liked for you for a long moment now." Said Asuto.

The soccer ball i was holding falls on the ground, I didn't notice it at first since I was a bit shocked.

"Wait, are you.. Serious?!" I exclaimed.

Asuto nod shyly. "Y-yeah.. I'll understand if you don't like me ba--" But before Asuto could even finish his sentence I went to hug him.

"Of course I love you!" I said.

"I'm... Glad." Asuto hugs me back.

Then i felt being watched, I looked around and saw some familiar hair hidding behind the bench. No. Multiple hairs behind the bench.

"You guys !" I yelled.

Your teammates notice that they have been spotted and started to run out of the field.

"I will knock yall!" I said embarrassed that they've been there for the whole time.

Meanwhile Asuto was laughing. "Don't be too harsh to them!" He said.

"Oh. Don't worry. They will just feel a little pain." I said chasing them.

inazuma eleven ares x reader "Footfall Frontier!" Where stories live. Discover now