Captain's Duty

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After that our coach left us for his vacation, I felt like captain was odd, he started spacing out while we were eating, I did saw that he got a letter from the coach but..

I was so curious! But I didn't wanted to bother Captain with it.. But still!

The next day our captain told us to practice in our own way to get stronger, captain calls Kozoumaru and Asuto and showed them the letter, seems like the mystery is solved, the letter contains an hissatsu technique probably, that's what I think.

"[F/N] wanna practice with me?" Asked Norika.

"Oh, sure." I replied and took a soccer ball with me and went toward the goal with Norika.

The others also went on their own side of the field to practice but it felt different.. It feels like we were all apart and doing our own practice alone.

Captain tried to put us back together but the others didn't agree on that, wich created a small fight.

"Norika, I'll stop practicing for now." I said.

"Okay! Rest well!" She replied.

"You're not gonna come with me?" I asked.

"I have to get better to stop the opponents shoot, you can go without me!" She responded.

I sigh. "Okay." Then i walked toward the bench and took my stuff and walked to the changing room.

|Time skip/night time|

I walked toward the balcony for some fresh air since i couldn't sleep at all, soon as i open the door i saw a boy with long hair.. Yup, it's captain.

"Captain ?" I looked at him.

"[F/N]..?" Captain notices me.

I walked toward him and sat down on a chair. "What's up?"

"Nothing much.." He replied.

"So, what's wrong? I've noticed you've been acting strange lately, is it because of the coach?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." Then captain showed a letter to me. "This is the next page in the letter that coach gave me about the hissatsu technique." He said and gave the letter to me.

I started to read the letter.

"The team has done well, but it's not enough to win the next match.

Even if you lose, please be there to console the others.

After all, Michinari, you are their captain."

That was all it was written.

"What's the meaning of this...?" I look at captain.

"The coach thinks we're gonna lose our next match, with the semi-finals approaching and our coach gone, this is exactly the time when I'm supposed to be the one holding the team together." Answered the captain.

"But if all I'm capable of doing is consoling the team, then I fail as captain." he continued.

"That's not true, you know it. You've been our captain ever since we formed this team." I said.

"That's true but.. Now everything is different, everyone has changed, I'm afraid I'm the only one who didn't. I'm scared of finding my limits [F/N]... Unlike you, I never felt like becoming stronger." Said captain.

"I don't only become stronger just by practicing! It's thanks to you all! Captain!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you for still believing in me and calling me a captain even though.. I was never fit to be a captain from the start." He smiled.


"I'm going now, goodnight." Then he walks inside the logement.

Just as i thought, the team.. Is tearing apart, slowly.

|The next day|

As always the team was scattered, none of them would want to practice as a team, as the sun sets, I notice Kidou.

"Kidou !" I shouted to get his attention, wich worked.

"Hello [L/N]." Said Kidou.

"Hey, uh.. How's Haizaki? I haven't heard of him ever since that... You know." I asked.

"Don't worry about him, leave him to me." He responded and walked away like he was in a rush.

"[F/N]! What are you doing??" Shouted Norika.

"Oh sorry!" I shouted back and ran back to the field to practice.

|Few days later|

The match Raimon against Tonegawa Tousen has arrived, everyone from the stadium started to shout Endou's name it was insane.

Then, there he is. The legendary goalkeeper. Endou Mamoru.

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