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The match continued as Haizaki score the fourth goal against us.


Your team didn't got discouraged after this goal though, we asked our coach to use our last trump card but he declined our request, we couldn't force him so we didn't forced it.

The match continued as Haizaki play solo once again, you were able to block one of their shoot but the problem was that....


"It's time! To use our last trump card!" Shouted our Coach to us.

You finally smile excitingly, then you get a call on your Eleven band, you look at it.

"[L/N], look over there! Kyaa! [heart emoji's]"

You look at your coach. "[L/N]! Come over here for a moment! "Shouted your coach.

"Coming!" you replied and walk up to the Coach.

"Keep this in mind." Then your coach whispered something to you, your eyes widen.

"Wait, isn't that a bit too risky? We've never practiced that shoot.." You look at him.

"Only use it for emergency! But do not worry, I will tell you when." Smiled your coach.

You nod and walk back to the field.

Now it was time for the strategy of "Life is a roleplay"!

The kick-off starts Goujin pass the ball to you, you use yourself as a decoy to dodge your opponents since they were low on Stamina. "Hiura!" You pass it to Hiura.

Kozoumaru, Asuto and Hiura uses their hissatsu called "Meteor Drop" toward the goal, it first look like it was a miss shot but it was actually a feint to make the goalkeeper jump, the ball falls on the ground and charge in the goal.



After this amazing shot you got a new call on your Eleven band.

"It's time!~"

You inhale and exhale.

The match resume as Asuto shoot the ball in the air, you jump toward it with Asuto, you two create a Hissatsu fusing yours and Asuto's Shining bird.
"Shining [H/N]!" You two shoot toward the goal.

Kidou and Haizaki tries to stop it but fails, the goalkeeper uses his Hissatsu but fails to block it.



"We did Asuto!" You said happily.

"Yep!" Replied Asuto then you two high five.

The last minutes Seishou Gakuen couldn't score another goal.


You fell on the ground exhausted, it felt like this match was taking forever to end!

"Don't sleep here [F/N]!" Smiled Norika.

"Just 5 more minutes.." you replied.

Norika laughed and helped you get up and put you to the bench, you drink your water until you see Haizaki walking toward you.

"[L/N], we lost completely this time." He said.

"Who are you?" You look at Haizaki.

"That's not funny." Haizaki look at you with a straight face.

"Sorry! Couldn't resist the tentation, but I wish you could've been less wild in the match." You smile.

"Hmpf, I could've played more like a gentleman if you didn't annoy me so much." Replied Haizaki.

"Oh? you can play like a gentleman?" You then started to laugh.

"What's so funny?!" Asked Haizaki pissed off.

"But anyway, I'm sorry for misunderstanding you, I thought you actually played for revenge, guess I was wrong! I was so sad to hear you were probably playing it for revenge but seems like it's not, I'm glad you're playing soccer for fun." You said.

"Let's go [F/N]!" Said Asuto to you.

"Oh right! Coming, see you next time Haizaki!" You did a small wave and walked toward your teammates.

|Some minutes later|

"Jeez! I forgot to take my towel!" You walk toward your bench and grab your towel. "Phew.. Still clean!" You smiled then you look up and see Nosaka in the spectator seats.

"Nosa-" You tried to call him but he suddenly fainted, your heart almost stopped when you saw that.


What just happened? Did he just fainted..?!

You shake your face and rushed toward the stairs that lead toward the spectator's seats, you run toward Nosaka who's still on the ground.

"Are okay Nosaka?!" You crouch on front of him.

Nosaka hold his head, with the expression he shows, he was in pain.

"[F/N]..?" Said Nosaka.

"I'll call an ambulance!" You take out your phone from your pocket.

"No, I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy that's all. Thanks." Said Nosaka with a smile.

You look at him still worried.

"Don't worry about it, I hope you win your next match." Said Nosaka and walked away.

You sigh, gosh that dude almost made drop my heart, you then look down and saw a small box on the floor, and that's when you realize that it's Nosaka's!

You went after him hoping that it wasn't too late to bring it back to him.

You found Nosaka in a hospital and saw him with a girl with black hair in the room, you didn't wanted to bother him so you told a nurse to gave the small box to him and left the hospital.

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