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"Death zone, Initiated." You heard from Haizaki and shot the ball in the air, two of his teammates jumps.

Haizaki joins them and created a perfect rotated triangle, the three of them shoots in the ball creating an fearful hissatsu and scores against us.


The Hissatsu hit most of your teammates from the defense line creating some bruises to your friend's.

"What's wrong? Stand up, small fry." Ordered Haizaki to your teammates.

So that's how the outside soccer is, terrifying.
|A week ago|
"[F/N]! With me!" Said Norika.

"I'm ready!" You said.

"3..2...1!" counted Norika.

You two girls were trying to open this frickin door because of how hard it was to open it alone, jeez, when was the last time someone came to clean this place?

"It won't open!" You complained and stopped trying.

"I guess we can't get in this easily.." Said Norika who also stopped trying.

"What a pain..." You mumbled.

Then a group of girls approached you and your friend's.

"So you're the soccer team that's come from Inakuni Island?" Asked the one who has light orange hair who's on the middle like the leader of the group.

"That's right and you are?" Asked our captain.

"I'm Mikado Anna, I'm the student council president, and I'm in charge of all club management. Examining the new soccer club is also a part of the student council duty." Replied Anna.

"Whaddya mean by examining?" Asked Goujin.

"If it looks like there's no worth in the club, it will be disbanded." Replied a student council next to Anna.

"And for a no sponsors team to pick up the name Raimon, this might be a good place to end it!" Said another student council.

You rolled your eyes at them.

"We're going to win. Win and take back soccer!" Said Asuto.

"Really? Do you even know who you are against to?" Asked the girls.

"Who?" Reply Asuto.

"Seishou's ace striker, otherwise known as the devil of the field. Once you catch his eyes, he'll attack relentlessly to the point your team won't be able to recover, and so he's ended quite number of teams." Said Anna.

"Oh, I heard of him, appenratly when he's on the field he always score over than 10 scores against the opponent, but his chance for going to a match is one every three match." You said.

"Exactly, let's see how lucky you all are, I mean.. If Seishou Gakuen happens to lose, I think Heaven and Earth would flip over." Smiled Anna to provoke us.

"With or without this devil of the field we will manage to win." You replied.

Then Asuto put his hand on your shoulder. "[F/N]." When Asuto does that it's to calm you down.

You sigh. "Fiiine." You said.

After this fuss we met our Manager Ootani, she seemed very nice unlike these... "Student's council."

Then we met the headmaster of the school that explained us why the eleven of Raimon left then we went to practice with our new coach named Zhao, his trainings schredule were a bit uh... Particular?

For exemple 100 laps, run up and down the inazuma hill 100 times...

But anyway it's with those training that we've succeed to increase our speed.
|back to the present|

That was the final score of the our match against Seishou academy, all your teammates fought with all their strength.

But you knew deep inside it wasn't enough.

|Tokyo Sunshine Tower|

After this defeat we all went to the Tokyo Sunshine Tower to take a look at the amazing view from up here before leaving Tokyo.

That's until the peace breaks by the tears of your teammates crying in sadness because they know that they'll probably never ever play soccer again.

Well except for Kozoumaru he was chill.

Then someone walks up to us, the president of Island Torism and very well known major travel agency.

And thanks to him, we could continued playing soccer, since... He wanted to sponsor our team.

You were glad and happy for your teammates, you walked away.

"Where are you going [F/N]?" Asked Asuto.

"I'm going to take some fresh air." You smiled and left.

You sat down on a bench and sigh.. This whole day was full of surprises, you didn't expect to stay more days in Tokyo like that.

"Need some water?"

You raise your head and see... A tall man? With light brown hair.

"Crap, I got the wrong person." Said the boy.

You tilt your head confused.

"What are you doing here Nishikage?" Asked another person coming this time it was a boy with reddish-pink spiky hair and very pale skin.

"I accidently thought you were her, my bad." Said the boy who seemed to be named Nishikage.

"Excuse my friend, he's probably tired." Smiled the spiky haired boy.

"That's not a problem!" You replied with a smile.

"Oh? Are you... [F/N] [L/N] from Raimon?" Asked the spiky haired guy.

"Yeah... You guy's are..?" You ask.

"My name is Nosaka Yuuma, this is Nishikage Seiya, we are from Outei Tsukinomiya, Nice to meet you." Smiled Nosaka.

"Nice to meet you two!" You said.

"We need to go now, see you soon on the field." Said Nosaka and Nishikage followed him.

Weird... Now that I think about it... I don't have Nosaka's hair color..? How did he confused me with him?

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