Zeus And Outei.

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Raimon against Zeus just like last year apparently, at the same time in another Stadium there was the match Seishou Gakuen vs Outei Tsukinomiya.

Some players has recently been replaced since their old players had graduated and went to high school, you look at their captain Afuro Terumi.. He's quite... Gorgeous?


The match starts with Zeus having the kick-off, the opponent passes the ball to their Captain Afuro.

Afuro kicks the ball in the air as he jumps in the sky with the ball, he seemed to be flying like a real God.

Afuro passes the ball to the first year, Heruse, his hissatsu was strong for a first year, he was able to break Norika's hissatsu and score the first point, then the second one by Afuro with his God knows hissatsu.

The match resume as i start the kick-off this time.

I look at Goujin and Kozoumaru, then pass the ball to the Asuto, I run toward the opponent field meanwhile Asuto passes the ball to your teammates.

"[F/N]!" Asuto do a long shoot towards me, I catches the ball and shoot the ball in the sky.

Kozoumaru uses Fire tornado but the trajectory was going on the very left making people think it was a miss kick but what the opponent wasn't paying attention and...

"Fire...! Trajectory adjustment!" Goujin uses his head to change the trajectory of the ball and it directly goes in the goal!



We used the same technique with adjusting the trajectory and succeeded to score the second goal.


Then the match continued with no score in second half but we got an additional time and thanks to that Asuto and Kozoumaru used their new hissatsu to score the last score before the end of the match!


The Zeus team was frustrated and sad to not have won against us, but I notice Afuro stretching like this match didn't really matter to him.

Afuro look at my direction and my teammates with a smile, then he walked toward his team.

I think that maybe Afuro had fun in this match, I walked toward the bench and heard from Ootani that the match Seishou Gakuen vs Outei Tsukinomiya hasn't finished yet.

So your teammates and I decided to rush to the other stadium to watch the match before it was too late, I take a look at the scoreboard seeing this.

(Seishou Gakuen) 0:3 (Outei Tsukinomiya)

I couldn't believe it, I tried to find Haizaki on the field and he was there! How is it possible he hasn't scored once? That's unbelievable..

Is Nosaka's team that strong..?


"Grid Omega! Phase one!" I heard Nosaka saying these following words.

An reddish tornado appeared on the field lifting every single player's of Seishou Gakuen in the air, the tornado was filling Seishou Gakuen's side of the field.

Soon as the tornado disappears all the players violently land down on the floor, my hands started to shake in fear from what just happened.

I look at Haizaki and Kidou on the floor, none of them were getting up, then the referee whistle the end of the match, Seishou Gakuen has forfeit.

What kind of... Hissatsu was that?

I clench my fist in anger about what just Nosaka did, I went down stairs and ran toward the field.

"Nosaka!" I shouted.

Nosaka look at my direction. "[F/N]..?" His eyes widen. "What are you doing here? Didn't you had a match against Zeus?" He walk up to me.

"That's not important! What was this kind of play Nosaka..?" I look at him in the eyes.

"Look, I do not play soccer like you do. [F/N], I play to show results, no matter what I should do to achieve them. That's my soccer." He answered.


"I'm sorry, I have other matters to do, see you." Nosaka walk pass me but I grab his arm.

"I'm not done!" I said, but I suddenly couldn't feel my feets on the floor anymore, I kinda felt like flying. "Eh?" I blink and let go of Nosaka.

"Please, let Nosaka rest a bit." I heard a voice, I look behind me and saw Nishikage lifting me.

"Thank you Nishikage." Nosaka then left.

"Wait! Nishikage don't tell me you also agree to this kind soccer?!" I asked.

"Until I'm by Nosaka's side, I'll support him in every way possible." He then puts me down and also left.

I breath in breath out... This is... So frustrating! I couldn't speak with Nosaka without he leaves one minute after!

"Right, Seishou Gakuen Team!" I thought and ran toward their bench.

But then i stopped in mid-way, would Haizaki really want me come to help him..? Someone like him would rather be embarrassed of this defeat.

Then i heard some footsteps coming toward my way and saw Haizaki barely able to walk. "You..." Then he suddenly falls on the ground.

I quickly went up to him and helped him up. "What are you doing here alone? Aren't you supposed to be with the others?"

"Do me a favor and help me get to the changing room, then leave. I'll be fine on my own." Said Haizaki.

I sigh. "fine." I replied.

I helped Haizaki to get up and took him to the changing room, but before leaving, I went to the Seishou Gakuen bench.

"You are... Haizaki's friend?" the captain of Seishou Gakuen notices me.

"I don't know if Haizaki sees me as a friend but, he's in the changing room, I wanted to inform you before leaving." I replied.

"Thank you." The captain smiled. "Oh. By the way my name is Mizukamiya Seiryuu." He held his hand towards me.

"My name is [F/N]." I shake his hand.

And that's how i met Mizukamiya Seiryuu before leaving.

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