New Member

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"The finals is next." Said Mansaku.

"Yeah, I didn't expect us to make it this far." Added Asuto.

"But weren't you the one who wanted us to keep up playing soccer in the football frontier?" I look at the sky.

"I agree with [F/N]." Said Hiura.

"Really? Oh well.. I don't know what's gonna happen next, but I can't help being excited!" Replied Asuto, seems like he really didn't cared about winning this tournament.

"We're up against Outei Tsukinomiya, I know they're freakishly strong, but strangely enough, I'm not scared." Said Mansaku.

"Right. I'm confident that we all want to win as much as they do." said Hiura.

"I can't believe that we started as being a nobody in a isolated island, to popular soccer players in Tokyo.." I chuckled.

"I can't believe either." Said Asuto.

|The next day/clubroom|

"Michinari and Hiyori are hospitalized and won't be present to the next match?!" Shouted Goujin.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Hiyori happened to have injured his leg yesterday night by practicing, as for Michinari it was because of that Hissatsu from last match.." Replied Anna.

"So.. We're like 10 players now...?" I mumbled.

(for people confused about the number read the first chapter)

"What do we do?!" Goujin kept shouting.

"Calm down." Said Okuiri.

"You think i can just calm down?!" replied Goujin by yelling at Okuiri.

"We don't stand a chance against Outei Tsukinomiya with ten players." Said Hiura crossing his arms.

"It's pretty amazing in the first place that we've made it this far with the eleven of us." Added Mansaku.

"Then there only one last solution." I said.

"What solution ?!" Goujin yelled at me.

"Lower your voice.. And the solution is, get reserved members." I answered.

"We've gotta start looking for new members now..?" asked Iwato.

"Can we actually find any?" Asked Hanta.

"Let's give it a try!" Smiled Asuto all motivated.

"Let's do the Mamoru Plan." I smiled.

"Mamoru plan..?" They all looked at me.

"Ootani once said that Endou went all around the campus to ask everyone from each club to join the soccer club without giving up, we should also try that." I replied.

"Not a bad idea!" Said Asuto.


We all looked at our eleven band, it was written. "Got a new member!" from the coach.

"Aw man, seems like we won't use the Mamoru plan in the end." I said in a sad tone.

"That's such a perfect timing though." Said Hiura.

"Well, that's a relief." Said Okuiri.

"Thank goodness!" Smiled Norika.

"Just this once he has done his job as a coach." Added Goujin.

We hear the clubroom door opens, we all looked at the door directing and see two people step in.

"Kidou.. And-" Said Asuto.

"Haizaki..?" I finished Asuto's line.

"Allow me to introduce you, this is your new teammate, Haizaki Ryouhei." Said Kidou.

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted including you.

The coach enters the clubroom. "Kidou took care of all the paperwork, Haizaki will be transferring to Raimon and joining the Raimon soccer club." He said.

"WHAT?!" All your teammates did a weird pose and shocked expressions.

"F-for real?!" Asked Goujin.

"Is this allowed?!" Asked Okuiri.

"You can transfer to another team during this tournament?!" Shouted Hanta.

"Since both team are ranked at the same level, if both team's coaches consent to it prior to the tournament's opening day, one player is allowed to transfer." Said Kidou answering to all of our questions.

"Huh? The consent of both coaches?" Asked Okuiri.

"Coach Kudou and Kidou here, came to me before the tournament to talk about this plan." Replied our coach.

"So coach, you anticipated that this would happen?" I asked.

"No no, it was Kidou who anticipated it." answered the coach.

"Only on the off chance that Seishou lost, of course." Added Kidou.

"You read way ahead of things." Said Haizaki.

"That's so awesome! That means you're going to the finals with us!" I smiled happily, I knew it he wouldn't give up so easily!

"[F/N]! Do you really think we can trust him?!" Asked Kozoumaru a bit mad.

Haizaki sigh and look at Kozoumaru. "I know this isn't cool, I've lost once, and I'm asking you guys to let me play again." Said Haizaki.

"Of course we can!" I replied.

"[F/N].." Haizaki looks at me.

"You love playing soccer, don't you?" I look at Haizaki.

"I do, I want to play soccer again, run on the field again." He answered.

"Then that's settled! Plus he's already in our team, we can't decline right?" I look at Kozoumaru.

"Well.. You're right.." He said.

Then Ootani appears outta nowhere to give Haizaki his Raimon uniform. "Here! Your Raimon uniform and Eleven band! Go on!" Smiled Ootani.

"Huh? Oh." Haizaki starts to take off his uniform then t-shirt.

Anna starts to hide her eyes with her hands and turned around, Mansaku gave his cap to hide Norika's eyes and Ootani uses the uniform of Haizaki that she was holding.

"WH-" Hiura uses his hands to hide your eyes. "Close your eyes..." Said Hiura. 

"Haizaki..." I hear Asuto.

"Huh?" Haizaki seemed confused.

I can't believe it... I almost saw Haizaki shirtless..

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